
Showing 17-32 of 76
The developments of mega-free trade agreements

The development of free trade areas around the world, with most attention paid to the Asia-Pacific region and the Americas, is a major theme of the article. It also raises the question of the role of the EU in this development. The article is based on the presentation at the European Customs Practitioners' Conference held in Vilnius, Lithuania on 25-26 May and online.

Prof. Dr. Hans-Michael Wolffgang

origin, trade topics
The developments of mega-free trade agreements

The development of free trade areas around the world, with most attention paid to the Asia-Pacific region and the Americas, is a major theme of the article. It also raises the question of the role of the EU in this development. The article is based on the presentation at the European Customs Practitioners' Conference held in Vilnius, Lithuania on 25-26 May and online.

Prof. Dr. Hans-Michael Wolffgang

origin, trade topics
Topic spotlight
Supplier's declaration in preferential trade: when to use it?

Global trade based on preferential treatment offers benefits to its participants. The main one is a reduction in financial costs due to the application of reduced tariff rates when the goods have a preferential origin. In other words, if a product originates in one country and is sold to another country with which there is a preferential trade agreement, the product may be subject to a reduced or even zero duty rate. However, the mere fact that the goods originate in a particular country is not enough to qualify for such benefits. The preferential origin of the goods must be proven, so that the customs authorities do not suspect any manipulation or fraud on the part of importers. Each specific preferential trade agreement sets out acceptable ways of proving the preferential origin of goods. A supplier's declaration is one of the means of proof. Let us find out what it is and when it can be used.

Annette Reiser , Ilona Mishchenko

Topic spotlight
Supplier's declaration in preferential trade: when to use it?

Global trade based on preferential treatment offers benefits to its participants. The main one is a reduction in financial costs due to the application of reduced tariff rates when the goods have a preferential origin. In other words, if a product originates in one country and is sold to another country with which there is a preferential trade agreement, the product may be subject to a reduced or even zero duty rate. However, the mere fact that the goods originate in a particular country is not enough to qualify for such benefits. The preferential origin of the goods must be proven, so that the customs authorities do not suspect any manipulation or fraud on the part of importers. Each specific preferential trade agreement sets out acceptable ways of proving the preferential origin of goods. A supplier's declaration is one of the means of proof. Let us find out what it is and when it can be used.

Annette Reiser , Ilona Mishchenko

Case law
Harley-Davidson case highlights limits of binding origin information in Union customs law

In the European Union customs law, it is possible for an economic operator to obtain binding tariff or origin information decisions, which provide assurance about the tariff classification or origin of goods. However, does such a customs decision always guarantee legal security just because national customs has issued a favorable decision to the trader?

Jonas Sakalauskas

duties, taxes, origin
Case law
Harley-Davidson case highlights limits of binding origin information in Union customs law

In the European Union customs law, it is possible for an economic operator to obtain binding tariff or origin information decisions, which provide assurance about the tariff classification or origin of goods. However, does such a customs decision always guarantee legal security just because national customs has issued a favorable decision to the trader?

Jonas Sakalauskas

duties, taxes, origin
Overviews and comments
Software installation and origin of goods

Reader's question: ‘We export certain devices to Ukraine. The product-specific rule is based on the value criterion. Can the value of expensive software, which was created and developed in the EU, be counted as the value of originating materials?’ To answer this question, we review various aspects of the topic, which is becoming increasingly important, as more and more goods do not function without software.

Enrika Naujokė

Overviews and comments
Software installation and origin of goods

Reader's question: ‘We export certain devices to Ukraine. The product-specific rule is based on the value criterion. Can the value of expensive software, which was created and developed in the EU, be counted as the value of originating materials?’ To answer this question, we review various aspects of the topic, which is becoming increasingly important, as more and more goods do not function without software.

Enrika Naujokė

Post-clearance verification of preferential origin of goods

Customs may carry out post-clearance verification of the preferential origin of goods. As a result, a letter from customs might appear on the importer's desk stating that the preferential tariff treatment has been denied. In this article, we look at what is the process of post-clearance verification of preferential origin set out in some of the free trade agreements of Canada, the UK and the EU. Also, we provide practical examples and suggestions on how the preferential origin-related risk could be managed by importers.

Peter Mitchell , Enrika Naujokė

Post-clearance verification of preferential origin of goods

Customs may carry out post-clearance verification of the preferential origin of goods. As a result, a letter from customs might appear on the importer's desk stating that the preferential tariff treatment has been denied. In this article, we look at what is the process of post-clearance verification of preferential origin set out in some of the free trade agreements of Canada, the UK and the EU. Also, we provide practical examples and suggestions on how the preferential origin-related risk could be managed by importers.

Peter Mitchell , Enrika Naujokė

Overviews and comments
Customs issues related to trade in purported forced labor

While many countries of the world find it morally correct to act regarding the importation of forced labor products, in the case of Xinjiang cotton the actions will be very difficult to achieve. Countries may enact “feel good” laws forbidding importation of such products and international bodies can develop guidelines and principles in commerce, but without the proper enforcement tools nothing can be accomplished unless these laws and guidelines can be enforced.

Ira Reese

restrictions, trade barriers, origin
Overviews and comments
Customs issues related to trade in purported forced labor

While many countries of the world find it morally correct to act regarding the importation of forced labor products, in the case of Xinjiang cotton the actions will be very difficult to achieve. Countries may enact “feel good” laws forbidding importation of such products and international bodies can develop guidelines and principles in commerce, but without the proper enforcement tools nothing can be accomplished unless these laws and guidelines can be enforced.

Ira Reese

restrictions, trade barriers, origin
Overviews and comments
Non-government controlled territories and free trade agreements

As is well known, the war started by Russia in Ukraine affects a wide range of areas, both security and economic. It may also affect aspects related to imports and exports between Israel and Ukraine, which have signed a free trade agreement (FTA) in 2019. The reminder on that comes from the European Commission, which on February 23rd, 2022 released a notice to importers regarding imports from the non-government controlled territories of the Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts of Ukraine.

Omer Wagner

Overviews and comments
Non-government controlled territories and free trade agreements

As is well known, the war started by Russia in Ukraine affects a wide range of areas, both security and economic. It may also affect aspects related to imports and exports between Israel and Ukraine, which have signed a free trade agreement (FTA) in 2019. The reminder on that comes from the European Commission, which on February 23rd, 2022 released a notice to importers regarding imports from the non-government controlled territories of the Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts of Ukraine.

Omer Wagner

Overviews and comments
PEM Convention: application of the new rules of origin in the machinery sector

As of September 1st, 2021, there are new rules of origin in the European structure of the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean (PEM) Convention that apply in parallel to the previous rules of origin as part of a transitional phase. They are called 'transitional rules'. The new rules of origin provide breathing space in the machinery sector (HS chapters 84, 85 and 90) for those companies that have to work with small margins.

Thomas Woodtli

origin, law international
Overviews and comments
PEM Convention: application of the new rules of origin in the machinery sector

As of September 1st, 2021, there are new rules of origin in the European structure of the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean (PEM) Convention that apply in parallel to the previous rules of origin as part of a transitional phase. They are called 'transitional rules'. The new rules of origin provide breathing space in the machinery sector (HS chapters 84, 85 and 90) for those companies that have to work with small margins.

Thomas Woodtli

origin, law international
The pitfalls of free trade agreements – claiming back duty paid due to error

Let’s examine one specific pitfall importers/exports frequently fall victim to when trading under the auspices of a free trade agreement.

Samuel Draginich

origin, risk management
The pitfalls of free trade agreements – claiming back duty paid due to error

Let’s examine one specific pitfall importers/exports frequently fall victim to when trading under the auspices of a free trade agreement.

Samuel Draginich

origin, risk management
Three pitfalls to avoid in 2022 when moving goods between the EU and the UK

It has almost been a year since the end of the Brexit transition period, meaning most businesses will have started settling comfortably into their new routine. However, it is important to remember that the new trading relationship between the UK and EU is still evolving and 2022 is the host of some big changes. For example, certain easements that were introduced to facilitate trade will expire, multiple new systems will be introduced, and sanitary and phytosanitary controls will commence for the first time. So, if you think your business has mastered trading across the new border, then think again. In this article, we outline three pitfalls that could disrupt your supply chain and what you can do to avoid them.

Jessica Yang , Toby Spink

origin, IT systems, databases, risk management
Three pitfalls to avoid in 2022 when moving goods between the EU and the UK

It has almost been a year since the end of the Brexit transition period, meaning most businesses will have started settling comfortably into their new routine. However, it is important to remember that the new trading relationship between the UK and EU is still evolving and 2022 is the host of some big changes. For example, certain easements that were introduced to facilitate trade will expire, multiple new systems will be introduced, and sanitary and phytosanitary controls will commence for the first time. So, if you think your business has mastered trading across the new border, then think again. In this article, we outline three pitfalls that could disrupt your supply chain and what you can do to avoid them.

Jessica Yang , Toby Spink

origin, IT systems, databases, risk management
Improving the business environment through reform and innovation: a look at recent changes in China regarding the administration of rules of origin

China Customs plays a key role in the administration of rules of origin, from their formulation to their implementation. Insiders who follow trade and Customs reforms in China may have noticed the emergence, in recent years, of new expressions and terms in this domain, such as “self-service printing of certificates of origin”, the Electronic Origin Data Exchange System (EODES) and “intelligent examination”. This article explains each of these terms.

Jiang Feng

Improving the business environment through reform and innovation: a look at recent changes in China regarding the administration of rules of origin

China Customs plays a key role in the administration of rules of origin, from their formulation to their implementation. Insiders who follow trade and Customs reforms in China may have noticed the emergence, in recent years, of new expressions and terms in this domain, such as “self-service printing of certificates of origin”, the Electronic Origin Data Exchange System (EODES) and “intelligent examination”. This article explains each of these terms.

Jiang Feng

Customs compliance: Are you doing the right thing? Try these quizzes today!

When buying or selling goods across a border, it is considered good business practice to understand the rules applied on the other side of the border. This is because the decisions you make when selling the goods can have a significant influence over the decisions and responsibilities of the business buying them on the other side.

Jessica Yang , Toby Spink

origin, risk management, transit
Customs compliance: Are you doing the right thing? Try these quizzes today!

When buying or selling goods across a border, it is considered good business practice to understand the rules applied on the other side of the border. This is because the decisions you make when selling the goods can have a significant influence over the decisions and responsibilities of the business buying them on the other side.

Jessica Yang , Toby Spink

origin, risk management, transit
Overviews and comments
Overseas countries and territories: developments after Brexit

Editorial word. Customs legislation applies in a customs territory, so knowledge and understanding of territories are significant. They are of various types, such as the customs territory of the Union, special fiscal territories, third countries, as well as overseas countries and territories (OCTs). The territories change and the most recent example is Brexit: when the UK's customs territory was established, for example, Northern Ireland became part of two customs territories. The OCTs were impacted by Brexit as well. The EU used the opportunity to review relations with OCTs and adopted new legislation. Mrs. Zofija Pečiukonienė kindly agreed to overview the developments.

Zofija Pečiukonienė

Overviews and comments
Overseas countries and territories: developments after Brexit

Editorial word. Customs legislation applies in a customs territory, so knowledge and understanding of territories are significant. They are of various types, such as the customs territory of the Union, special fiscal territories, third countries, as well as overseas countries and territories (OCTs). The territories change and the most recent example is Brexit: when the UK's customs territory was established, for example, Northern Ireland became part of two customs territories. The OCTs were impacted by Brexit as well. The EU used the opportunity to review relations with OCTs and adopted new legislation. Mrs. Zofija Pečiukonienė kindly agreed to overview the developments.

Zofija Pečiukonienė

Changes in the application of the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean (PEM) rules of preferential origin from 1 September 2021

The contracting parties to the PEM Convention have agreed on the application of the transitional rules pending the application of the modernized PEM Convention. This opens the possibility for economic operators to choose between the rules of preferential origin set out in the PEM Convention and the transitional rules. The latter rules are in many cases more flexible and simpler. Let us look at this new possibility.

Edita Trukšinienė

origin, law international
Changes in the application of the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean (PEM) rules of preferential origin from 1 September 2021

The contracting parties to the PEM Convention have agreed on the application of the transitional rules pending the application of the modernized PEM Convention. This opens the possibility for economic operators to choose between the rules of preferential origin set out in the PEM Convention and the transitional rules. The latter rules are in many cases more flexible and simpler. Let us look at this new possibility.

Edita Trukšinienė

origin, law international
Controversies and peculiarities regarding application of rules of origin in EU Member States: practice in the Republic of Lithuania

The article discusses the peculiarities of the practical application of European Union (EU) rules on customs origin in the EU Member State - the Republic of Lithuania and presents the current practice of national authorities in this area (in tax disputes related to the origin of imported goods), emphasizes its peculiarities and differences from practices in other EU Member States. The analysis performed and described in the article substantiates that in the Republic of Lithuania the possible sources of proof of customs origin of goods are assessed and interpreted in a unique and rather formal way. Besides, the burden of proving the origin of imported goods and its distribution between customs and importer is understood specifically and can be considered as more favourable to importers than the usual practice at the EU level.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

Controversies and peculiarities regarding application of rules of origin in EU Member States: practice in the Republic of Lithuania

The article discusses the peculiarities of the practical application of European Union (EU) rules on customs origin in the EU Member State - the Republic of Lithuania and presents the current practice of national authorities in this area (in tax disputes related to the origin of imported goods), emphasizes its peculiarities and differences from practices in other EU Member States. The analysis performed and described in the article substantiates that in the Republic of Lithuania the possible sources of proof of customs origin of goods are assessed and interpreted in a unique and rather formal way. Besides, the burden of proving the origin of imported goods and its distribution between customs and importer is understood specifically and can be considered as more favourable to importers than the usual practice at the EU level.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

Customs procedures
Canada: where the EU (or other countries) exporter acts as the importer of record

Are you planning to export your goods to Canada? In this article, we overview some of the important points for you to consider: free trade agreements, the federal goods and services tax (the Canadian VAT), and we focus on the situation where the exporter (a non-resident of Canada) acts as an importer of record.

Peter Mitchell

origin, import
Customs procedures
Canada: where the EU (or other countries) exporter acts as the importer of record

Are you planning to export your goods to Canada? In this article, we overview some of the important points for you to consider: free trade agreements, the federal goods and services tax (the Canadian VAT), and we focus on the situation where the exporter (a non-resident of Canada) acts as an importer of record.

Peter Mitchell

origin, import
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