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Import into the EU: peculiarities of the end-use procedure

The end-use customs procedure can offer the benefit of an import duty relief when the goods are imported for a specific use, or it might be the only option to import certain goods. Let's look at the specifics of this procedure by answering the reader's question about the conditions for the import into the EU of propane gas, which will be used in the technological process of a manufacturing plant. We also provide an overview of the general import requirements for chemicals.

Alina Budrikienė , Jurgita Stanienė

customs clearance, restrictions, trade barriers, customs declaration
Overviews and comments
Import into the EU: peculiarities of the end-use procedure

The end-use customs procedure can offer the benefit of an import duty relief when the goods are imported for a specific use, or it might be the only option to import certain goods. Let's look at the specifics of this procedure by answering the reader's question about the conditions for the import into the EU of propane gas, which will be used in the technological process of a manufacturing plant. We also provide an overview of the general import requirements for chemicals.

Alina Budrikienė , Jurgita Stanienė

customs clearance, restrictions, trade barriers, customs declaration
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