

Compliance means that a person or organisation complies with the applicable laws and regulations of their own accord or adheres to them. Learn about the international standard definition of compliance and what customs authorities do to ensure compliance.

risk management

Compliance means that a person or organisation complies with the applicable laws and regulations of their own accord or adheres to them. Learn about the international standard definition of compliance and what customs authorities do to ensure compliance.

risk management
EU Customs Data Model (EUCDM)

The electronic customs declaration consists of data elements that should be harmonised worldwide so that customs can verify the data flow from the exporting country to the importing country. The World Customs Organisation has developed the WCO data model, which provides a universal language for cross-border data exchange. The EU has adopted this model for its own purposes and for trans-European use.

IT systems, databases
EU Customs Data Model (EUCDM)

The electronic customs declaration consists of data elements that should be harmonised worldwide so that customs can verify the data flow from the exporting country to the importing country. The World Customs Organisation has developed the WCO data model, which provides a universal language for cross-border data exchange. The EU has adopted this model for its own purposes and for trans-European use.

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Risk management process

There are five main steps in the standard customs risk management process as defined by the World Customs Organization: establish context, identify risks, analyse risks, assess and prioritize risks and address risks. In addition to these five steps, risk management requires constant monitoring and review.

risk management
Risk management process

There are five main steps in the standard customs risk management process as defined by the World Customs Organization: establish context, identify risks, analyse risks, assess and prioritize risks and address risks. In addition to these five steps, risk management requires constant monitoring and review.

risk management
E-customs in the EU

Electronic customs (‘e-customs’) is a major development for the EU's Customs Union. The project aims to replace paper-format customs procedures with EU-wide electronic procedures to create a more efficient and modern customs environment. Each year the European Commission releases a report on progress in developing electronic systems. The latest report was published in February 2023.

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E-customs in the EU

Electronic customs (‘e-customs’) is a major development for the EU's Customs Union. The project aims to replace paper-format customs procedures with EU-wide electronic procedures to create a more efficient and modern customs environment. Each year the European Commission releases a report on progress in developing electronic systems. The latest report was published in February 2023.

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Non-customs formalities in EU

EU Regulation provides a new legal framework to improve information sharing and digital cooperation between customs administrations and other government authorities in charge of enforcing non-customs formalities at the EU border. What are these non-customs formalities?

restrictions, trade barriers, IT systems, databases
Non-customs formalities in EU

EU Regulation provides a new legal framework to improve information sharing and digital cooperation between customs administrations and other government authorities in charge of enforcing non-customs formalities at the EU border. What are these non-customs formalities?

restrictions, trade barriers, IT systems, databases
EU Single Window Environment for Customs (EU SWE-C)

The ‘single window’ is a trade facilitation measure, allowing parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standardised information and documents with a single-entry point to fulfil all import, export, and transit-related regulatory requirements, thus reducing duplication, time, and costs.

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EU Single Window Environment for Customs (EU SWE-C)

The ‘single window’ is a trade facilitation measure, allowing parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standardised information and documents with a single-entry point to fulfil all import, export, and transit-related regulatory requirements, thus reducing duplication, time, and costs.

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European Maritime Single Window environment (EMSWe)

The European Maritime Single Window environment (EMSWe) aims to improve administrative procedures in maritime transport by introducing a single window for reporting formalities for ships to harmonise processes and data exchange with economic operators. Legal acts establish that the latest date for the system to be operational is no later than 15.08.2025.

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European Maritime Single Window environment (EMSWe)

The European Maritime Single Window environment (EMSWe) aims to improve administrative procedures in maritime transport by introducing a single window for reporting formalities for ships to harmonise processes and data exchange with economic operators. Legal acts establish that the latest date for the system to be operational is no later than 15.08.2025.

IT systems, databases

Risk is the likelihood and the impact of an event, which would prevent the correct application of Union or national measures, compromise the financial interests of the Union and its Member States, etc.

risk management

Risk is the likelihood and the impact of an event, which would prevent the correct application of Union or national measures, compromise the financial interests of the Union and its Member States, etc.

risk management
Customs (trade) compliance

Customs compliance means compliance with legal rules and procedures applicable to goods brought into or taken out of the customs territory.

risk management
Customs (trade) compliance

Customs compliance means compliance with legal rules and procedures applicable to goods brought into or taken out of the customs territory.

risk management
Customs risk

Businesses manage two types of risk: the risk of non-compliance with legal requirements; and the risk to miss out to acquire competitive advantage (by not utilising legal possibilities).

risk management
Customs risk

Businesses manage two types of risk: the risk of non-compliance with legal requirements; and the risk to miss out to acquire competitive advantage (by not utilising legal possibilities).

risk management
Compliance management framework

A compliance management framework is a single operating framework that integrates the principal elements of customs risk and compliance management.

risk management
Compliance management framework

A compliance management framework is a single operating framework that integrates the principal elements of customs risk and compliance management.

risk management

Customs represent the regulatory touchpoint for internationally traded goods. The role of customs, like any law enforcement agency, is to ensure compliance with the law. The regulatory requirements for which customs has administrative responsibility include import, export, and transit of goods, as well as any matters that are administered on behalf of other agencies, such as health, agriculture, taxation, environment, statistics.

risk management

Customs represent the regulatory touchpoint for internationally traded goods. The role of customs, like any law enforcement agency, is to ensure compliance with the law. The regulatory requirements for which customs has administrative responsibility include import, export, and transit of goods, as well as any matters that are administered on behalf of other agencies, such as health, agriculture, taxation, environment, statistics.

risk management
Risk management standard

ISO 31000 is the acknowledged international standard for managing risk. It is applicable to all organizations, regardless of type, size, activities and location, and covers all types of risk. It was developed by a range of stakeholders and is intended for use by anyone who manages risks, not just professional risk managers

risk management
Risk management standard

ISO 31000 is the acknowledged international standard for managing risk. It is applicable to all organizations, regardless of type, size, activities and location, and covers all types of risk. It was developed by a range of stakeholders and is intended for use by anyone who manages risks, not just professional risk managers

risk management
Databases for trade (EU)

Learn about and find links to customs-related databases in the EU: TARIC, customs offices information, validation of EORI and REX numbers, AEO, CLASS, ECICS, EBTI, SAMANCTA, Export and Transit MRN follow-up and databases of quotas, suspensions, surveillances.

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IT systems, databases
Databases for trade (EU)

Learn about and find links to customs-related databases in the EU: TARIC, customs offices information, validation of EORI and REX numbers, AEO, CLASS, ECICS, EBTI, SAMANCTA, Export and Transit MRN follow-up and databases of quotas, suspensions, surveillances.

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