February 26, 2023
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Customs law in EU: 1 or 27 interpretations?

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A recently published comparative analysis of Member States' customs authorisation procedures for the entry of products into the EU concludes that the EU is a customs union with common legislation, customs rules, procedures and a single development plan; yet, for a number of objective reasons and considerations, each Member State manages and develops its customs activities at its own pace and according to its own interpretation of the Union Customs Code. We overview some aspects of the analysis.
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Country update
NOCA's Bulgarian Green Corridors transport project

The rapid crossing of land borders for imported and exported goods (including for intra-EU movements)would help to take the operation of international supply chains to a new level. Timely delivery of goods is much more than a fulfilment of trade commitments in order to build fair and long-term business partnerships. The COVID-19 health crisis and the still-unfolding war in Ukraine serve as reminders that timely delivery of goods can be vital for people's lives and health. Furthermore, delays at borders resulting from a number of customs and non-customs checks are an administrative burden.

Boryana Peycheva

customs clearance
Country update
NOCA's Bulgarian Green Corridors transport project

The rapid crossing of land borders for imported and exported goods (including for intra-EU movements)would help to take the operation of international supply chains to a new level. Timely delivery of goods is much more than a fulfilment of trade commitments in order to build fair and long-term business partnerships. The COVID-19 health crisis and the still-unfolding war in Ukraine serve as reminders that timely delivery of goods can be vital for people's lives and health. Furthermore, delays at borders resulting from a number of customs and non-customs checks are an administrative burden.

Boryana Peycheva

customs clearance
News update
EU customs and trade news: August 2024

News in week 35: review of anti-subsidy and anti-dumping measures on continuous filament glass fibre products from China; review of anti-dumping measures on bicycles from China; practice directions to parties concerning cases brought before the CJEU; EU and China launch Cross-Border Data Flow Communication Mechanism; Timor-Leste joined the WTO on 30 August as its 166th member.

News update
EU customs and trade news: August 2024

News in week 35: review of anti-subsidy and anti-dumping measures on continuous filament glass fibre products from China; review of anti-dumping measures on bicycles from China; practice directions to parties concerning cases brought before the CJEU; EU and China launch Cross-Border Data Flow Communication Mechanism; Timor-Leste joined the WTO on 30 August as its 166th member.

Top five challenges for European customs

Someone recently asked me what are the current top challenges for customs in Europe. The article is an attempt to summarise the answer to this question. These are the five issues that, in my opinion, are likely to impact the customs industry in the upcoming months and years. Some are more across-the-board and some are a bit more niche and local. The article comes from the author’s personal experience of working in the industry and across the private and public sectors and is therefore a personal perspective. By no means an exhaustive list.

Dr Anna Jerzewska

customs clearance, trade topics
Top five challenges for European customs

Someone recently asked me what are the current top challenges for customs in Europe. The article is an attempt to summarise the answer to this question. These are the five issues that, in my opinion, are likely to impact the customs industry in the upcoming months and years. Some are more across-the-board and some are a bit more niche and local. The article comes from the author’s personal experience of working in the industry and across the private and public sectors and is therefore a personal perspective. By no means an exhaustive list.

Dr Anna Jerzewska

customs clearance, trade topics
News update
UK customs and trade news: July 2024

New Labour Government announces free trade negotiations strategy. UK joins global digital trade agreement. Animal Welfare Act. Economic Interest Test. Registration of imports of suspension poly (vinyl chloride) from the United States of America. The Trade Remedies Authority review into polyethylene terephthalate from India.

News update
UK customs and trade news: July 2024

New Labour Government announces free trade negotiations strategy. UK joins global digital trade agreement. Animal Welfare Act. Economic Interest Test. Registration of imports of suspension poly (vinyl chloride) from the United States of America. The Trade Remedies Authority review into polyethylene terephthalate from India.

News update
Ukraine customs and trade news: June/July 2024

News at a glance: exemption from customs duties and VAT on imports of energy and demining equipment was approved; illegal imports and exports of goods of significant value (smuggling) is now a criminal offence instead of being subject to administrative penalties; updated Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement entered into force; EU-Ukraine duty-free trade was extended; changes were made to the list of agricultural products where exports are subject to licensing; inward processing procedure was allowed for some vehicles and their bodies; the State Electronic Export Control System was launched as a pilot; progress was made on the development of the AEO programme in Ukraine.

Iryna Pavlenko , Oleg Kyryievskyi

News update
Ukraine customs and trade news: June/July 2024

News at a glance: exemption from customs duties and VAT on imports of energy and demining equipment was approved; illegal imports and exports of goods of significant value (smuggling) is now a criminal offence instead of being subject to administrative penalties; updated Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement entered into force; EU-Ukraine duty-free trade was extended; changes were made to the list of agricultural products where exports are subject to licensing; inward processing procedure was allowed for some vehicles and their bodies; the State Electronic Export Control System was launched as a pilot; progress was made on the development of the AEO programme in Ukraine.

Iryna Pavlenko , Oleg Kyryievskyi

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