EU launches a new Customs Data Model based on WCO standards
Frank Janssens
Head of Customs Processes, Data and Project Management Unit, European Commission Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union
Jean-Luc Delcourt
Head of Sector, Customs Processes, Data and Project management Unit, European Commission Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union
Between 2016 and 2020, many new electronic Customs systems will be developed within the European Union (EU). The new systems will have new data requirements based on a new WCO compatible data model, called the EU Customs Data Model (EU CDM). The EU CDM will enable further harmonization of electronic data requirements within the EU, and build a threetier interoperable structure from the global level to the regional and national levels. Among the expected results are enhanced regional integration, better interconnection between Customs and other administrations active at the border, as well as between Customs and economic operators.
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