- News update
UK customs and law updates: February 2025

Lina Kivaka from Pexels
- Topic: law
- Market: Europe
- Copyright of the journal: CC Learning, UAB
Lina Kivaka from Pexels
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A food consignment arrived in Israel and was found to be damaged due to a lack of refrigeration. The importer uses the foreign forwarder who transported from abroad to Israel. Will the court … uphold the claim or will it decide that the claim should be adjudicated outside Israel? This will be discussed in this review in light of the court's recent decision.
Omer Wagner
A food consignment arrived in Israel and was found to be damaged due to a lack of refrigeration. The importer uses the foreign forwarder who transported from abroad to Israel. Will the court uphold the claim or will it decide that the claim should be adjudicated outside Israel? This will be discussed in this review in light of the court's recent decision.
Omer Wagner
News in week 9: 16th sanctions package against Russia and Belarus; EU suspends restrictive measures on Syria key economic sectors; Commission simplifies rules on sustainability; CBAM simplification … package; PEM cumulation - updated matrix; initiation of an anti-dumping proceeding concerning certain cast iron articles; provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of epoxy resins; change of representative import price of certain poultrymeat; Trade Facilitation Agreement - eight years of cutting trade costs.
News in week 9: 16th sanctions package against Russia and Belarus; EU suspends restrictive measures on Syria key economic sectors; Commission simplifies rules on sustainability; CBAM simplification package; PEM cumulation - updated matrix; initiation of an anti-dumping proceeding concerning certain cast iron articles; provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of epoxy resins; change of representative import price of certain poultrymeat; Trade Facilitation Agreement - eight years of cutting trade costs.
News in week 8: Q&A on the US reciprocal tariff policy; definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of melamine; imports of certain products made subject to registration; anti-dumping proceeding … concerning imports of continuous filament glass fibre products; EU-Tunisia free trade agreement - changes regarding the origin of goods; extension of certain restrictive measures against Russia; amendments concerning imports of wine originating in New Zealand; and more updates.
News in week 8: Q&A on the US reciprocal tariff policy; definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of melamine; imports of certain products made subject to registration; anti-dumping proceeding concerning imports of continuous filament glass fibre products; EU-Tunisia free trade agreement - changes regarding the origin of goods; extension of certain restrictive measures against Russia; amendments concerning imports of wine originating in New Zealand; and more updates.
News in brief: tariff notices; preparation for upcoming changes under the Windsor Framework; trade remedies notices; end of the Modernising Authorisations project; Russian sanctions evasion; … safety and security declaration requirements for importing goods from the EU; first Customs Technical Handbooks have been published.
News in brief: tariff notices; preparation for upcoming changes under the Windsor Framework; trade remedies notices; end of the Modernising Authorisations project; Russian sanctions evasion; safety and security declaration requirements for importing goods from the EU; first Customs Technical Handbooks have been published.
News at a glance: revised PEM Convention entered into force; lists of goods subject to licensing and quotas approved for 2025; rules for importing goods subject to official controls updated; … state control of non-food products resumed; Import duty exemptions for defence-related goods; gradual annual increases in excise duties on fuels; priority border crossing for AEOs.
News at a glance: revised PEM Convention entered into force; lists of goods subject to licensing and quotas approved for 2025; rules for importing goods subject to official controls updated; state control of non-food products resumed; Import duty exemptions for defence-related goods; gradual annual increases in excise duties on fuels; priority border crossing for AEOs.
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