
Annette Reiser

  • Job title: Attorney at Law, Customs and Trade Compliance
  • Organization: nettes`globaltrade
  • Country: Germany, Switzerland

Annette Reiser has more than 20 years of experience in customs and trade compliance. After her second law degree in Germany she started her career at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Mannheim, Germany followed by various leading positions in international companies of the automotive, defense, non-woven and pharmaceutical industry in Germany and Switzerland. She also spent several years as Senior Manager Indirect Taxes at KPMG and EY Switzerland. In 2021, she started her freelance business nettes`globaltrade as a coach, lecturer and author in Zurich, Switzerland specialized in Free Trade Agreements and Export Control.

She is the founder of the Swiss Global Trade Expert Group and Editor of the Swiss Journal “Zoll und Mehrwertsteuer Revue”. 

Annette Reiser is a lecturer at the Kalaidos University, Switzerland, the Swiss School of International Business and the AWA Suisse.

Updated on: August 16, 2022

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