
Bert Van Leeuwen

  • Job title: Adviser
  • Organization: Customs Advisers BV
  • Country: Netherlands

Bert is part of a small team of independent advisers focussing on practical solutions to optimize supply chains and generate duty and cost savings. He has over 25 years of experience in logistics, customs brokerage and consultancy. Customs Advisers has a wide range of clients in the automotive, chemical, electronics and food industry and the areas where they can advise are equally diverse. Tariff classification, origin, Incoterms®, excise tax, up to complex multi-company inward processing schemes. 

In addition, he is also a member of the Evofenedex's Council for International Trade and is/has been active in several working groups with Dutch customs relating to IT issues and, at present,  the reform of the Union Customs Code. 


Updated on: July 18, 2024

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