Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus
- Job title: Attorney at Law
- Organization: Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus Law-Firm GVLEX
- Country: Lithuania
Gediminas Valantiejus is an Attorney-at-Law, lecturer at Mykolas Romeris University (Vilnius, Lithuania), Faculty of Public governance and Business, providing lectures and seminars on subjects of EU tax and customs law. Gediminas defended his PhD dissertation in the field of legal regulation of customs duties in the European Union in 2019. His research areas include international economic and trade law, EU and national customs law, taxation of international trade, legal regulation of trade with BRICS countries.
Gediminas Valantiejus has published more than twenty peer-reviewed scientific articles and other scientific and practical publications on these topics, participated in tax research projects of EU institutions, prepared studies and proposals for improvement of legal regulation of import taxes in the EU and Lithuania. He is also a regular speaker at international scientific conferences on customs and import tax issues, and has completed internships at the Academy of European Law (Germany) and the University of Leiden (Netherlands).
Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus Law Firm GVLEX represents natural and legal persons in the Republic of Lithuania, defending their rights and legitimate interests in tax disputes (including disputes with customs authorities), administrative cases (including cases of administrative offenses), provides conclusions, recommendations, consultations and prepares procedural documents. More than 20 years of experience of legal work of the Attorney-at-Law dr. Gediminas Valantiejus, specializing in tax and customs disputes and consulting, as well as in related academic activities, allows to offer comprehensive solutions to virtually all relevant issues of international trade, customs or tax and customs regulation or related questions involving both the European Union. Union and the law of the Republic of Lithuania.
If you have any related questions, please do not hesitate to contact:
Mob.: +370 668 82788
E-mail: gediminas@gvlex.lt
Personal website: https://gvlex.eu/
Updated on: December 5, 2021