en lt

Gertrūda Bakšienė

  • Job title: Coordinator of the Customs Brokers Group
  • Organization: UAB "Skubios siuntos", UPS Authorised Representative in Lithuania; MBA student on the "Customs Process Management" programme at Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
  • Country: Lithuania

Gertrūda Bakšienė is the coordinator of the customs brokers group of UAB "Skubios siuntos" UPS authorized representative in Lithuania. Gertrūda started working in logistics in 2016, and since 2017, after completing the courses organized by the Association of Lithuanian Customs Brokers for persons wishing to provide customs representation services in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania and having acquired the qualification of a customs broker representative, she has been specializing in the field of customs. In 2021, Gertrūda started working as a coordinator of the customs brokers group and takes care of UAB "Skubios siuntos" UPS authorized representative in Lithuania, the company's activities in the field of customs, seeks to optimize processes, takes care of the welfare of the company's team of customs brokers, solves and coordinates issues with the Customs of the Republic of Lithuania. In 2023, Gertrūda enrolled in the Master's program "Customs Process Management", where she deepens her existing knowledge with an international team of teachers at VMU University.

Updated on: February 16, 2024

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