
Ilona Kawka

  • Job title: Digital Trade & Customs Specialist
  • Organization: Institute of Export & International Trade
  • Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Ilona Kawka is a digital trade expert at the Institute of Export & International Trade, the UK's leading organisation for international trade professionals. Since joining the Institute, she has played a key role in projects aimed at modernising UK global trade, with a primary focus on digital trade developments and post-EU exit border transformations.

At the Institute, which partners with governments to set global trade standards, Ilona is integral to key initiatives like the Border Target Operating Model and the Single Trade Window. Her experience plays an important role in advising on trade-related strategic challenges.

In addition to these initiatives, Ilona participates in several committees and working groups that help shape national and international trade policies and best practices for customs compliance globally. She is also a co-author of the paper, 'Enhanced Efficiency: Building a UK Border Fit for the 21st Century,' which demonstrates the authors' dedication to modernising the UK's trade infrastructure.

E: ilona.kawka@export.org.uk  

Updated on: January 28, 2024

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