Dr. Karlis Ketners has more than 20 years of experience in public administration and academic affairs. In 2009 - 2015 he worked as a full-time Professor at Riga Technical university providing courses on Tax Policy, International taxation, Tax Administration, Tax Planning. Courses are covering transfer pricing, international taxation and GAAR issues. Provided case-by-case consultancy for Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia and Supreme Court of the Republic of Latvia, participated in the formulation of proposals for amendments to Latvian law “On taxes and fees”.
Also, Dr. K. Ketners has extensive practical experience in the public sector including director of State Budget Department of Ministry of Finance the Republic of Latvia (2004 -2006), Director General of State Revenue Service of the Republic of Latvia (2003-2004).
Prior to that in 1998 – 2003 he served as a civil servant in the system of Ministry of Finance as head of the International Transaction Unit at National Tax Board; Counselor to the Minister of Finance in fiscal policy, tax policy, financial affairs and head of Tax Methodology Unit at Tax Policy Department of Ministry of Finance amongst others.
Dr. Kārlis Ketners is an Expert in Management Field and Economics Field at the Latvian Council for Science. His research findings have been published in a number of peer-reviewed articles in journals and conference proceedings presented at numerous scientific conferences. Dr. K. Ketners is author of various scientific and study books on taxation matters in Latvian inter alia Ketners K., Titova S. (2013) Tax policy in the European Union’s environment. 2nd edition. Riga BA.; Kerikmäe, T., Joamets, K., Pleps, J., Rodiņa, A., Berkmanas, T., & Gruodytė, E. (Eds.). (2017). The law of the Baltic States. Springer.
Updated on:
January 30, 2021