en pt

Roberto Raya da Silva

  • Job title: Founding member
  • Organization: Raya Consult
  • Country: Brazil

Founding member of Raya Consult, is a Senior Appraiser certified by the American Society of Appraisers – ASA and member of ASA International Committee for Machine and Equipment Appraisal; entitled member of IBAPE – the Brazilian Institute of Engineering Appraisals and Engineering Reports of Sao Paulo; Electrical and Mechanic Engineer; has a MBA in Foreign Trade and Customs Valuation; Postgraduate in the areas of Industrial Automation and Control System - FEI; Networking and Telecommunications Systems Engineering by INATEL, Foreign Trade by FECAP, Engineering Appraisals and Engineering Reports by FAAP and Computer Networks by FASP.

In the last 23 years he has been acquiring experience as an Accredited Engineer from RFB (The Federal Revenue of Brazil) - Sao Paulo for the elaboration of technical reports in Customs. Being able to perform this function in Sao Paulo, Volta Redonda, Sorocaba and Guarulhos.

Raya holds international certification in Tariff Classification from WCO - World Customs Organizations and teaches courses in the area. In 2009, Raya became the 1st Senior Appraiser in Brazil for the Machinery and Equipment Section, function that helds until now. He also works as Judicial Expert Witness in Federal and State Justice in the Mechanical and Electrical areas.

Raya Consult – Engenharia e Avaliações Ltda.
Rua Camé, 517 
São Paulo  SP  03121-020 

Contact: +55 (11) 2601-3848
E-mail: raya@rayaconsult.com.br
Website: www.rayaconsult.com.br
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/engraya/


Updated on: August 11, 2020

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