Anti-dumping: the 'lesser duty' pitfalls
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Do you want to benefit from a lower anti-dumping duty rate applicable to the exporter of your products? Certain requirements must be met - analyse them carefully and follow their changes.
In this video, you will learn:
- What are the requirements;
- The consequences of a mistake in a commercial document due to changes in the law (that went unnoticed by the parties to the trade transaction) and
- what are the possibilities of its correction.
The story is based on the judgement of the Court of Justice of the EU. Please find it and the Commission Implementing Regulation imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty in the resources section.
- Publication date: October 02, 2022
- Unlock duration: 2 months
- Prepared by: CustomsClear ㅤ
- Video duration: 04min 28sec
- Languages: English Lietuvių
- Type: Animated video
- Topic: duties, taxes
- Market: EU - European Union
Resources are available after purchase.
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