An indispensable tool for customs risk management: constructing a risk register
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Risk management is a must for every business. In this video you will find answers to these questions:
- What is a customs risk register?
- How is it used?
- How do you determine the risks?
- Which risks are the most serious? How do you evaluate them?
- How are risks mitigated?
This is a recorded presentation by Anthony Buckley given during a CPD programme webinar. Slides are available in the resources.
- Publication date: July 09, 2023
- Unlock duration: 2 months
- Prepared by: Anthony Buckley
- Video duration: 32min 26sec
- Languages: English
- Type: Web/Seminar recording
- Topic: risk management knowledge management
- Market: Global EU - European Union UK - United Kingdom
Resources are available after purchase.
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