Reform of the EU Customs Union

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On 17 May 2023, the EU Commission presented proposals for the most comprehensive reform of the EU Customs Union since its creation in 1968. We overviewed some of the main points of the reform during the webinar, which took place on 24 August 2023. We invite you to watch the record. Topics covered:

  • Creation of an EU customs data hub
  • Establishment of an EU Customs Authority
  • Customs and business cooperation through Trust and Check Trader

The webinar is aimed at managers in customs departments of international companies, customs consultants, logistics companies and developers of customs software.

Resources are available after purchase.

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News update
EU customs and trade news: March 2025

News in week 10: amendments to the UCC Implementing Regulation; updated guidance on preferential rules of origin; export control - updated Common Military List of the EU; Commission proposes plan for continued facilitation of Ukraine steel imports; imports of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene resins subject to registration; softwood plywood - initiation of an anti-dumping proceeding; steel road wheels - expiry review of anti-dumping measures; changes in import duties for husked rice; CJEU on the mandatory indication of the country of origin or place of provenance of imported foods; a note for all those returning from holiday - make sure that you are not in breach of the CITES Convention.

News update
EU customs and trade news: March 2025

News in week 10: amendments to the UCC Implementing Regulation; updated guidance on preferential rules of origin; export control - updated Common Military List of the EU; Commission proposes plan for continued facilitation of Ukraine steel imports; imports of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene resins subject to registration; softwood plywood - initiation of an anti-dumping proceeding; steel road wheels - expiry review of anti-dumping measures; changes in import duties for husked rice; CJEU on the mandatory indication of the country of origin or place of provenance of imported foods; a note for all those returning from holiday - make sure that you are not in breach of the CITES Convention.

Topic spotlight
Overregulation: how do we cope with it?

The recent cover of the weekly The Economist issue had a picture of red tape and the title “The revolt against regulation”. Some statistics from the articles on the topic: in the US, federal regulations now exceed 180,000 pages, up from 20,000 in the early 1960s; in the past five years the European Parliament has enacted more than twice as many laws as America; red tape costs the French economy close to 4% of GDP every year. In this interview with Vincent van Dijk, Senior Advisor on Norm engineering and rule-based solutions, we invite consideration of ‘norm engineering’ as one of potential solutions of the growing problem, which we, customs practitioners, are also witnessing in our specific field.

Vincent van Dijk

Topic spotlight
Overregulation: how do we cope with it?

The recent cover of the weekly The Economist issue had a picture of red tape and the title “The revolt against regulation”. Some statistics from the articles on the topic: in the US, federal regulations now exceed 180,000 pages, up from 20,000 in the early 1960s; in the past five years the European Parliament has enacted more than twice as many laws as America; red tape costs the French economy close to 4% of GDP every year. In this interview with Vincent van Dijk, Senior Advisor on Norm engineering and rule-based solutions, we invite consideration of ‘norm engineering’ as one of potential solutions of the growing problem, which we, customs practitioners, are also witnessing in our specific field.

Vincent van Dijk

Country update
Something fishy here: which is the competent jurisdiction concerning damaged imported goods?

A food consignment arrived in Israel and was found to be damaged due to a lack of refrigeration. The importer uses the foreign forwarder who transported from abroad to Israel. Will the court uphold the claim or will it decide that the claim should be adjudicated outside Israel? This will be discussed in this review in light of the court's recent decision.

Omer Wagner

Country update
Something fishy here: which is the competent jurisdiction concerning damaged imported goods?

A food consignment arrived in Israel and was found to be damaged due to a lack of refrigeration. The importer uses the foreign forwarder who transported from abroad to Israel. Will the court uphold the claim or will it decide that the claim should be adjudicated outside Israel? This will be discussed in this review in light of the court's recent decision.

Omer Wagner

News update
UK customs and law updates: February 2025

News in brief: Customs Technical Handbooks published; trade negotiations with India relaunched; Alcohol Duty Stamp Scheme to end on 1 May 2025; special procedure authorisation by declaration enabled; information and resources compiled to help businesses prepare for the changes to the Windsor Framework; Mandatory Logistics Envelope available from 1 April 2025; UK Tariff updated; DBT national survey of registered businesses' export behaviour published.

News update
UK customs and law updates: February 2025

News in brief: Customs Technical Handbooks published; trade negotiations with India relaunched; Alcohol Duty Stamp Scheme to end on 1 May 2025; special procedure authorisation by declaration enabled; information and resources compiled to help businesses prepare for the changes to the Windsor Framework; Mandatory Logistics Envelope available from 1 April 2025; UK Tariff updated; DBT national survey of registered businesses' export behaviour published.

News update
EU customs and trade news: February 2025

News in week 8: Q&A on the US reciprocal tariff policy; definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of melamine; imports of certain products made subject to registration; anti-dumping proceeding concerning imports of continuous filament glass fibre products; EU-Tunisia free trade agreement - changes regarding the origin of goods; extension of certain restrictive measures against Russia; amendments concerning imports of wine originating in New Zealand; and more updates.

News update
EU customs and trade news: February 2025

News in week 8: Q&A on the US reciprocal tariff policy; definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of melamine; imports of certain products made subject to registration; anti-dumping proceeding concerning imports of continuous filament glass fibre products; EU-Tunisia free trade agreement - changes regarding the origin of goods; extension of certain restrictive measures against Russia; amendments concerning imports of wine originating in New Zealand; and more updates.

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