Importing goods into the EU

EORI number, entry summary declaration, temporary storage declaration, customs declaration

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This course provides knowledge, understanding and ability to customs-responsible persons to execute activities required to enter goods into the Union. It includes steps up to the ultimate release of the goods, and the associated roles and responsibilities to successfully enter goods into the Union.

The course is one of the modules of the extensive Customs clearance and trade compliance in the EU training


The course consists of five lessons:

  1. Introduction. A brief introduction to Union law and Union customs law and how it should be read/ used. 
  2. EORI number. Economic operators involved in activities covered by customs legislation, must register with customs of an EU Member State to obtain EORI number. A number of questions is answered in this lesson: What does ‘EORI’ mean? When is EORI number required? Who should register for this number? What is ‘a person’? What is the ‘place of establishment’? What does ‘permanent business establishment’ mean? What is an ‘economic operator’? 
  3. Entry summary declaration (ENS). As a general rule, the ENS must be lodged before the arrival of the goods at the customs office of first entry. In this lesson, you will learn: What is Import Control System (ICS)? Who is concerned by the ENS? Who is responsible for compliance? Which goods are concerned by the ENS? What information is required to fill ENS out? What are the deadlines for lodging ENS? Where should it be lodged?
  4. Temporary storage declaration (TSD). This lesson starts with analysis of the definition of 'temporary storage', which is the situation of non-Union goods temporarily stored under customs supervision in the period between their presentation to customs and their placing under a customs procedure or re-export. It also provides an overview of actions required before lodging the TSD, such as the notification of arrival of a sea-going vessel or of an aircraft entering the EU. Finally, various aspects of temporary storage are covered, e.g., declaration, facilities and responsibilities.
  5. Standard and simplified customs declarations. The most common way the temporary storage ends is by placing goods under a customs procedure. For this purpose, a customs declaration shall be lodged (except for the free zone procedure). Topics covered in this lesson: lodging a customs declaration; acceptance, amendment and invalidation of a customs declaration; content of a standard customs declaration and supporting documents; simplified declaration and supplementary declaration. Please note that we cover the simplified declaration (article 166 UCC, article 145 DA and articles 223-224 IA), but do not cover 'other simplifications', of which only entry in the declarant's records (EIDR) (Article 182 UCC, article 150 DA and articles 233-235 IA) is commonly used in practice. Other simplifications are not yet available (self-assesment), or are only starting to be used due to development of electronic systems (centralised clearance). Also, you should know that the simplified declaration can be combined with other simplifications, such as EIDR, centralised clearance, or authorised consignee.

Before starting Lessons 3.-5., please do Task 1 and Task 3 provided in Resources; Task 2 should be done after taking Lesson 3. The aim of the tasks is to open your mind up to the practical application of legal norms that you will get to know in this course. In the resources, you will also find: reading materials, which you should please work on before taking the quiz; the notes - you can use them in addition to taking your notes when watching the video lessons.

In addition, you can read articles of interest on the platform during the entire learning period (after purchasing the course, you will get access to the articles).


After taking this course, the learner shall:

  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the steps and tasks associated to successfully bringing goods into the Union; 
  • Collect the required information and documents linked to the entry of goods and timely send it to the correct customs authority;
  • Communicate suggestions and potential process improvements to his or her manager and/or teamleader to increase operational efficiency and helping to implement the improvements;
  • Understand the division of the roles and responsibilities related to bringing goods into the Union.

Upon successful completion (more than 60% of the quiz questions must be answered correctly), you will receive a certificate of completion.


Please plan to dedicate around 3 hours to complete this course.

To avoid rejection of your formalities, you must take care of the registration for an EORI number before starting activities covered by the Union customs legislation.

Anouck Biernaux

The authorisations for simplified declarations cover cases where some data elements or some documents (or both) of the declaration are omitted at the time of lodging the customs declaration. The potential benefits for the economic operators are: answering specific needs related to the flow and types of goods declared; corresponding to specific organisation of the economic operator's business, etc.

Simplifications – Title V UCC - Guidance for MSs and Trade

Customs Knowledge Institute: 🔗 Customs Knowledge Institute is an Irish not-for-profit organisation whose mission is to bring together passionate customs practitioners for the purpose of enhancing customs knowledge. 📧  
CustomsClear: we are the customs and trade compliance knowledge marketplace and our goal is to connect knowledge seekers with industry-related experts. Check other available 🔗courses.

Resources are available after purchase.

Comments ()

News update
New EU requirements for packaging and the import of packaged products - coming soon

In addition to the numerous sustainability-related areas assigned to customs (CBAM, EUDR, forced labor prohibition regulation, CITES, etc.), customs will soon be assigned another task – the control of packaging compliance with sustainability requirements. Accordingly, importers themselves will have to be aware of one more regulation. Let's review the new regulation on packaging and packaging waste and the requirements set out in it.

Greta Kulikauske

News update
New EU requirements for packaging and the import of packaged products - coming soon

In addition to the numerous sustainability-related areas assigned to customs (CBAM, EUDR, forced labor prohibition regulation, CITES, etc.), customs will soon be assigned another task – the control of packaging compliance with sustainability requirements. Accordingly, importers themselves will have to be aware of one more regulation. Let's review the new regulation on packaging and packaging waste and the requirements set out in it.

Greta Kulikauske

Country update
NOCA's Bulgarian Green Corridors project

The rapid crossing of land borders for imported and exported goods (including for intra-EU movements)would help to take the operation of international supply chains to a new level. Timely delivery of goods is much more than a fulfilment of trade commitments in order to build fair and long-term business partnerships. The COVID-19 health crisis and the still-unfolding war in Ukraine serve as reminders that timely delivery of goods can be vital for people's lives and health. Furthermore, delays at borders resulting from a number of customs and non-customs checks are an administrative burden.

Boryana Peycheva

customs clearance
Country update
NOCA's Bulgarian Green Corridors project

The rapid crossing of land borders for imported and exported goods (including for intra-EU movements)would help to take the operation of international supply chains to a new level. Timely delivery of goods is much more than a fulfilment of trade commitments in order to build fair and long-term business partnerships. The COVID-19 health crisis and the still-unfolding war in Ukraine serve as reminders that timely delivery of goods can be vital for people's lives and health. Furthermore, delays at borders resulting from a number of customs and non-customs checks are an administrative burden.

Boryana Peycheva

customs clearance
Top five challenges for European customs

Someone recently asked me what are the current top challenges for customs in Europe. The article is an attempt to summarise the answer to this question. These are the five issues that, in my opinion, are likely to impact the customs industry in the upcoming months and years. Some are more across-the-board and some are a bit more niche and local. The article comes from the author’s personal experience of working in the industry and across the private and public sectors and is therefore a personal perspective. By no means an exhaustive list.

Dr Anna Jerzewska

customs clearance, trade topics
Top five challenges for European customs

Someone recently asked me what are the current top challenges for customs in Europe. The article is an attempt to summarise the answer to this question. These are the five issues that, in my opinion, are likely to impact the customs industry in the upcoming months and years. Some are more across-the-board and some are a bit more niche and local. The article comes from the author’s personal experience of working in the industry and across the private and public sectors and is therefore a personal perspective. By no means an exhaustive list.

Dr Anna Jerzewska

customs clearance, trade topics
Case law
Importing chemicals: CJEU rules who bears the burden of administrative work

Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulation is the EU’s main instrument to protect human health and the environment from the risks that can be posed by chemicals. The legislation places a registration obligation on the importer. However, the definitions of the importer and import under the REACH legislation do not align with the customs terminology. The article demonstrates what happens when discrepancies arise.

Dr David Savage

customs clearance, restrictions, trade barriers, import
Case law
Importing chemicals: CJEU rules who bears the burden of administrative work

Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulation is the EU’s main instrument to protect human health and the environment from the risks that can be posed by chemicals. The legislation places a registration obligation on the importer. However, the definitions of the importer and import under the REACH legislation do not align with the customs terminology. The article demonstrates what happens when discrepancies arise.

Dr David Savage

customs clearance, restrictions, trade barriers, import
EORI number (EU)

An EORI number means an identification number, unique in the customs territory of the European Union, assigned by a customs authority to an economic operator or to another person in order to register that person for customs purposes.

customs clearance
EORI number (EU)

An EORI number means an identification number, unique in the customs territory of the European Union, assigned by a customs authority to an economic operator or to another person in order to register that person for customs purposes.

customs clearance
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