Non-preferential origin and sustainability: the real rules of origin challenge

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Preferential rules of origin are one of the most complex areas of customs. This type of origin is used to check whether a product is eligible for a reduced tariff under a trade agreement such as the CPTPP, UMSCA, the TCA and many more.

But for many companies, where the big savings or costs actually lie is non-preferential origin. This type of origin is used for many trade policy measures recently applied by the EU or US, such as anti-dumping and countervailing duties, quotas, trade embargoes, certain types of sanctions and other quantitative restrictions.

While tariffs rarely exceed 20% of the value of the product, anti-dumping duties can be 100%, 200% and upwards. So it’s often much more important to correctly determine a product’s non-preferential origin.

Many of the policies and measures introduced as part of the EU’s broadly defined sustainability agenda rely on non-preferential origin. For CBAM, Deforestation Regulation or anti-subsidy tariffs on Chinese EVs, whether or not the product is subject to the requirements under these regulations will depend on its non-preferential origin.

Unfortunately, non-preferential origin can often be more difficult to determine than preferential origin. This is because non-preferential rules of origin are not as well defined and leave plenty of room for interpretation.

The second session of our Summer Series focused on the most common difficulties and challenges when it comes to determining non-preferential origin. And how should companies prepare for the potential challenges to the on-preferential origin of their products by national customs authorities? 

The webinar covered the following topics:

  • Providing a brief overview of some of the sustainability and trade defense policies that rely on non-preferential origin.
  • Explaining where non-preferential rules of origin come from and what their main principles are.
  • Showcasing why non-preferential origin can be so difficult to determine.
  • Presenting practical case studies and examples.
  • Offering advice for businesses and customs professionals when it comes to working with non-preferential origin.

Please find the slides in the resources section.

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Comments ()

ICC Genesis: a new approach to origin certification?

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has recently, after several pilots (amongst others in the Netherlands), launched an online tool for the verification of preferential origin statements. The tool is named Genesis, after the ancient Greek word for origin, which is also the name of the first book of the Holy Bible and one of the world’s most popular progressive rock bands. So the obvious questions are: how progressive is this tool and does it rock?

Bert Van Leeuwen

origin, IT systems, databases
ICC Genesis: a new approach to origin certification?

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has recently, after several pilots (amongst others in the Netherlands), launched an online tool for the verification of preferential origin statements. The tool is named Genesis, after the ancient Greek word for origin, which is also the name of the first book of the Holy Bible and one of the world’s most popular progressive rock bands. So the obvious questions are: how progressive is this tool and does it rock?

Bert Van Leeuwen

origin, IT systems, databases
Customs as the gateway to sustainability

The customs industry, together with all the stakeholders such as policymakers, customs authorities, customs brokers, logistics, and trading companies, is becoming increasingly intertwined with sustainability policies aiming to mitigate the impact of climate change. These policies include the carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM), deforestation, new corporate sustainability regulations, etc., but also e-customs and aspects of the proposed EU customs reform.

Dr Erika Besusparienė

Customs as the gateway to sustainability

The customs industry, together with all the stakeholders such as policymakers, customs authorities, customs brokers, logistics, and trading companies, is becoming increasingly intertwined with sustainability policies aiming to mitigate the impact of climate change. These policies include the carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM), deforestation, new corporate sustainability regulations, etc., but also e-customs and aspects of the proposed EU customs reform.

Dr Erika Besusparienė

Non-manipulation certificate

Non-manipulation certificate is a document required when goods of preferential origin are unloaded, stored and/or subjected to treatments necessary to maintain the goods in a third country while being shipped from the country of dispatch to the country of destination.

Non-manipulation certificate

Non-manipulation certificate is a document required when goods of preferential origin are unloaded, stored and/or subjected to treatments necessary to maintain the goods in a third country while being shipped from the country of dispatch to the country of destination.

Case law
Harley-Davidson v. Commission update: relocating production to avoid retaliatory tariffs is economically justified for the determination of non-preferential origin

On May 30, 2024, the Advocate General (AG) of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued a very interesting opinion in the case Harley-Davidson v. Commission (C-297/23 P). This case, currently awaiting a final decision by the CJEU, holds substantial implications for importers needing to determine the non-preferential origin of goods within the EU.

LL.M. Khalid Abdullah

Case law
Harley-Davidson v. Commission update: relocating production to avoid retaliatory tariffs is economically justified for the determination of non-preferential origin

On May 30, 2024, the Advocate General (AG) of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued a very interesting opinion in the case Harley-Davidson v. Commission (C-297/23 P). This case, currently awaiting a final decision by the CJEU, holds substantial implications for importers needing to determine the non-preferential origin of goods within the EU.

LL.M. Khalid Abdullah

Country update
Introduction of advance rulings system in Côte d’Ivoire

In 2023, Côte d’Ivoire introduced a new and modern system of advance customs rulings. This development followed two workshops organised in Côte d’Ivoire in May 2023 with the German Alliance for Trade Facilitation and under the aegis of the EU-WCO Programme for the Harmonized System in Africa funded by the EU. The workshops were part of a wider capacity-building programme to support Côte d’Ivoire in meeting its WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement obligations - in particular, Article 3 of the TFA which requires signatory parties to provide an option to apply advance rulings on origin and classification.

Segba Jean Soro

classification, origin
Country update
Introduction of advance rulings system in Côte d’Ivoire

In 2023, Côte d’Ivoire introduced a new and modern system of advance customs rulings. This development followed two workshops organised in Côte d’Ivoire in May 2023 with the German Alliance for Trade Facilitation and under the aegis of the EU-WCO Programme for the Harmonized System in Africa funded by the EU. The workshops were part of a wider capacity-building programme to support Côte d’Ivoire in meeting its WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement obligations - in particular, Article 3 of the TFA which requires signatory parties to provide an option to apply advance rulings on origin and classification.

Segba Jean Soro

classification, origin
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