Non-preferential origin of solar modules imported in EU (Is duty 0% or 67,9%?)
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"...the recent use of origin in imposing punitive tariffs and taking action against countries has elevated non-preferential origin to new heights" Rules of Origin: Highlights of the second WCO Conference, WCO Secretariat
Watch the story and learn how the country of non-preferential origin of a product was determined according to EU law. The story is based on real facts taken from the judgement of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in the case C-209/20. The judgement is available in the Resources.
The product is solar modules. Solar cells are manufactured in China. Modules are assembled in India and consigned to the EU from there. Depending on the country of non-preferential origin (India or China) of the solar modules the EU importer has to pay 0% or 67,9 % duty! Which is the country of origin, i.e. which rate applies?
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