The pitfalls of finding ways to avoid punitive tariffs in the EU
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Preferential origin of goods is a possibility. As an importer, you can decide whether you want to take advantage of it or not. In this video, which is based on a presentation prepared for a webinar on origin and trade restrictions, we talk about another type of origin, the non-preferential origin, which is a must for all goods.
You don't have a choice, you have to determine non-preferential origin according to certain rules and indicate it in the customs declaration. It is very important to determine this origin correctly - certain duty rates and various other measures are linked to it.
We give an overview of a practical situation of what can happen if you do not apply the rules for determining non-preferential origin correctly.
Please find the slides in the resources.
"...the recent use of origin in imposing punitive tariffs and taking action against countries has elevated non-preferential origin to new heights"
Rules of Origin: Highlights of the second WCO Conference
WCO News 95
- Publication date: May 09, 2023
- Unlock duration: 2 months
- Prepared by: Enrika Naujokė
- Video duration: 08min 44sec
- Languages: English
- Type: Web/Seminar recording
- Topic: origin
- Market: EU - European Union Global
Resources are available after purchase.
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