Preferential and non-preferential origin of goods in the EU

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This course deals with the concept of origin of goods and the basic rules applicable in the various international trade agreements signed by the EU, and also unilateral preferential arrangements. It covers activities required of customs professionals that have to determine the 'economic nationality' (non-preferential origin) and preferential origin of goods as a part of their daily operations. The main focus is on preferential origin.

The course is Module 11 of the extensive Customs clearance and trade compliance in the EU training (see the brochure).


The course consists of eight video lessons:

1. Introduction to origin
2. Non-preferential origin of goods
3. Introduction to preferential origin
4. Types of preferential arrangements
5. Rules of origin: territorial, drawback
6.1 Originating products: wholly obtained, sufficient processing
6.2 Cumulation
7. Proof of origin, incl. supplier's declaration (check Resources for examples of proofs of origin)
8. Free online tools and tips how to use them

Please do the readings (the list is provided in the resources section), before doing the quiz. To answer quiz questions, you will need to use EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, the link is provided in the resources section. In addition, read recommended articles - after purchasing the course, you will be given access to the articles on the platform.


After taking this module, the learner:

  • Understands the correct and uniform application of the rules of origin;
  • Has knowledge of rules of origin for preferential and non-preferential origin;
  • Is able to determine and correctly declare the origin of goods, in particular when goods have been processed in several countries;
  • Has knowledge of the arrangements that apply to specific non-EU countries;
  • Has knowledge of the legal basis and use of Binding Origin Information decisions (BOI);
  • Understands the political and economic aspects of rules of origin and harmonisation theories.

After successfully completing the quiz (more than 60% of the answers should be correct), you will receive a certificate of completion.


Please plan around 8 hours for learning. 

Every good has a non-preferential origin, but not necessarily a preferential origin.

Annette Reiser

Always check the corresponding preferrential arrangement.

Annette Reiser

Customs Knowledge Institute: 🔗 Customs Knowledge Institute is an Irish not-for-profit organisation whose mission is to bring together passionate customs practitioners for the purpose of enhancing customs knowledge. 📧  
CustomsClear: we are the customs and trade compliance knowledge marketplace and our goal is to connect knowledge seekers with industry-related experts. Check other available 🔗courses.

Resources are available after purchase.

Comments ()

Country update
Should the UK rejoin PEM?

Whenever the topic of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) review comes up, the Pan-European Mediterranean (PEM) origin cumulation zone is one of the topics mentioned as potentially in scope. Recently, several reports and organizations have included rejoining PEM as one of the recommendations for the new Government. Rejoining PEM is indeed one of the steps that could improve market access for products from all industries that could be done within the current format of the TCA. It could also be done without changing the essential character of the relationships, i.e. one based on a simple and fairly basic trade agreement.

Dr Anna Jerzewska

Country update
Should the UK rejoin PEM?

Whenever the topic of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) review comes up, the Pan-European Mediterranean (PEM) origin cumulation zone is one of the topics mentioned as potentially in scope. Recently, several reports and organizations have included rejoining PEM as one of the recommendations for the new Government. Rejoining PEM is indeed one of the steps that could improve market access for products from all industries that could be done within the current format of the TCA. It could also be done without changing the essential character of the relationships, i.e. one based on a simple and fairly basic trade agreement.

Dr Anna Jerzewska

Pan-European-Mediterranean (PEM) Zone

The Pan-European-Mediterranean Zone was implemented in 2005. The idea was to create a cumulation zone between Europe and its neighbours and to encourage intra-regional integration by promoting trade and cooperation. The PEM Convention allows for the cumulation of origin between different countries within the zone. Cumulation of origin is one of the ways to allow for greater flexibility when it comes to using raw and semi-manufactured materials in the production process. It allows a member of a trade agreement to use originating products from other members.

Pan-European-Mediterranean (PEM) Zone

The Pan-European-Mediterranean Zone was implemented in 2005. The idea was to create a cumulation zone between Europe and its neighbours and to encourage intra-regional integration by promoting trade and cooperation. The PEM Convention allows for the cumulation of origin between different countries within the zone. Cumulation of origin is one of the ways to allow for greater flexibility when it comes to using raw and semi-manufactured materials in the production process. It allows a member of a trade agreement to use originating products from other members.

Topic spotlight
From textiles to motor vehicles: a sectoral study of rules of origin complexity

In their recent report, the World Customs Organization (WCO) proposed a new methodology for classifying and comparing product-specific rules of origin between agreements. This new conceptual tool: the "drafting complexity index" (DCI) was used to provide insights into rules for automotive and textile sectors.

Guillaume Gerout

Topic spotlight
From textiles to motor vehicles: a sectoral study of rules of origin complexity

In their recent report, the World Customs Organization (WCO) proposed a new methodology for classifying and comparing product-specific rules of origin between agreements. This new conceptual tool: the "drafting complexity index" (DCI) was used to provide insights into rules for automotive and textile sectors.

Guillaume Gerout

ICC Genesis: a new approach to origin certification?

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has recently, after several pilots (amongst others in the Netherlands), launched an online tool for the verification of preferential origin statements. The tool is named Genesis, after the ancient Greek word for origin, which is also the name of the first book of the Holy Bible and one of the world’s most popular progressive rock bands. So the obvious questions are: how progressive is this tool and does it rock?

Bert Van Leeuwen

origin, IT systems, databases
ICC Genesis: a new approach to origin certification?

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has recently, after several pilots (amongst others in the Netherlands), launched an online tool for the verification of preferential origin statements. The tool is named Genesis, after the ancient Greek word for origin, which is also the name of the first book of the Holy Bible and one of the world’s most popular progressive rock bands. So the obvious questions are: how progressive is this tool and does it rock?

Bert Van Leeuwen

origin, IT systems, databases
Non-manipulation certificate

Non-manipulation certificate is a document required when goods of preferential origin are unloaded, stored and/or subjected to treatments necessary to maintain the goods in a third country while being shipped from the country of dispatch to the country of destination.

Non-manipulation certificate

Non-manipulation certificate is a document required when goods of preferential origin are unloaded, stored and/or subjected to treatments necessary to maintain the goods in a third country while being shipped from the country of dispatch to the country of destination.

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