Tariff measures - the trends
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In this video, Anthony Buckley provides an overview and shares insights on the tariffs relating to the 'EU law news' published in the course of four weeks:
- This month’s EU Law Review includes a major speech by Sabine Weyand, Director-General of DG Trade, on challenges facing World supply chains.
- It also includes 18 notifications of Tariff measures, and every month sees some such announcements. What is the connection between Tariffs and World Trade? How does it work?
- Since the WTO commenced in 1995, the focus, and the success of the WTO, has been the publication of the standard Most Favoured Nation (MFN) tariffs of each country. These are intended to give full transparency and fairness to World trade, with no discrimination between countries. One might expect, then, to see considerable fluctuations in published MFN rates, as countries regulate their imports for economic reasons. Can we see that?
Please find the slides in the resources section.
- Publication date: May 29, 2024
- Unlock duration: 2 months
- Prepared by: Anthony Buckley
- Video duration: 26min 59sec
- Languages: English
- Type: Video
- Topic: duties, taxes
- Market: EU - European Union Global
Resources are available after purchase.
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