Your trade and customs knowledge

Keeping your trade and customs knowledge up-to-date has never been easier!

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‘Fair prices’ vs transaction value in Bulgaria

The article deals with the changes in the Bulgarian customs legislation on customs value. These changes do not correlate well with the relevant European legislation, and this raises many questions: Is the application of these new provisions legitimate? What was the reason for the Bulgarian legislator to take such steps? What are the possible consequences? Let us try to find some answers.

Georgi Goranov

Country update
‘Fair prices’ vs transaction value in Bulgaria

The article deals with the changes in the Bulgarian customs legislation on customs value. These changes do not correlate well with the relevant European legislation, and this raises many questions: Is the application of these new provisions legitimate? What was the reason for the Bulgarian legislator to take such steps? What are the possible consequences? Let us try to find some answers.

Georgi Goranov

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A book about customs representation: interview with the author

Customs agents (brokers) play a significant role as intermediaries between importers/ exporters and customs. Dr. Momchil Antov wrote a book on the topic of customs representation. We talk to Mr. Antov about the book, customs developments in Bulgaria and what aspects should traders consider when hiring a customs broker.

Dr David Savage , Assoc Prof Dr Momchil Antov

customs brokers, knowledge management
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A book about customs representation: interview with the author

Customs agents (brokers) play a significant role as intermediaries between importers/ exporters and customs. Dr. Momchil Antov wrote a book on the topic of customs representation. We talk to Mr. Antov about the book, customs developments in Bulgaria and what aspects should traders consider when hiring a customs broker.

Dr David Savage , Assoc Prof Dr Momchil Antov

customs brokers, knowledge management
Why should importers care to provide quality information to their brokers?

Many importers assume that once they hire a broker, they do not need to take time to understand customs and trade concepts. That can be a risky approach. In this article, we discuss how customs brokers operate in Canada and the EU; and why importers should care to provide quality information to their brokers.

Peter Mitchell , Enrika Naujokė, Assoc Prof Dr Momchil Antov

customs brokers, risk management
Why should importers care to provide quality information to their brokers?

Many importers assume that once they hire a broker, they do not need to take time to understand customs and trade concepts. That can be a risky approach. In this article, we discuss how customs brokers operate in Canada and the EU; and why importers should care to provide quality information to their brokers.

Peter Mitchell , Enrika Naujokė, Assoc Prof Dr Momchil Antov

customs brokers, risk management
The most unexpected customs risk that businesses faced

Is it possible for the business to consider all the possible customs-related risks? The answer to the poll question was unambiguous. All participants of the 8th Authors' Meeting on 21.10.2021 said… NO! And shared various examples of unexpected customs-related risk, talked about sources of the risk and its management.

Customs Practitioners Association

knowledge management, risk management
The most unexpected customs risk that businesses faced

Is it possible for the business to consider all the possible customs-related risks? The answer to the poll question was unambiguous. All participants of the 8th Authors' Meeting on 21.10.2021 said… NO! And shared various examples of unexpected customs-related risk, talked about sources of the risk and its management.

Customs Practitioners Association

knowledge management, risk management
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