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Country update
Requirements for labelling of vaping products (vapes) on the territory of Russia

Until recently, e-cigarettes and their accessories were not subject to precise, unambiguous regulation under Russian law, including requirements on packaging labelling. As a matter of practice, until recently, some market players were attempting to mitigate compliance risks stemming from the aforementioned legislative gap as to labelling of the products in question by adhering to regulations applicable to tobacco products. Nevertheless, recently, quite substantial changes were made to legislation governing nicotine-containing products, including e-cigarettes.

Polina Savvina , Svetlana Seregina

law, restrictions, trade barriers
Country update
Requirements for labelling of vaping products (vapes) on the territory of Russia

Until recently, e-cigarettes and their accessories were not subject to precise, unambiguous regulation under Russian law, including requirements on packaging labelling. As a matter of practice, until recently, some market players were attempting to mitigate compliance risks stemming from the aforementioned legislative gap as to labelling of the products in question by adhering to regulations applicable to tobacco products. Nevertheless, recently, quite substantial changes were made to legislation governing nicotine-containing products, including e-cigarettes.

Polina Savvina , Svetlana Seregina

law, restrictions, trade barriers
Non-tariff measures
EU CE marking: requirements, the responsibility of the importer, actions in case of non-compliance

Editorial word. We keep hearing stories of products, such as massage chairs, plush toys, 'stuck' in customs and not allowed into the EU market due to incorrect or non-existent CE marking. What should be known to EU importers to prevent such situations? Mr. Arvydas Naina, Head of the Market Surveillance Planning and Risk Assessment Division, State Consumer Rights Protection Authority (SCRPA), Lithuania, kindly agreed to answer related questions.

Arvydas Naina

restrictions, trade barriers
Non-tariff measures
EU CE marking: requirements, the responsibility of the importer, actions in case of non-compliance

Editorial word. We keep hearing stories of products, such as massage chairs, plush toys, 'stuck' in customs and not allowed into the EU market due to incorrect or non-existent CE marking. What should be known to EU importers to prevent such situations? Mr. Arvydas Naina, Head of the Market Surveillance Planning and Risk Assessment Division, State Consumer Rights Protection Authority (SCRPA), Lithuania, kindly agreed to answer related questions.

Arvydas Naina

restrictions, trade barriers
Non-tariff measures
Dangerous product - release for free circulation in the EU not authorised

Editorial word. The website of the State Consumer Rights Protection Authority (SCRPA), Lithuania contains numerous reports of prohibited products to be placed on the market, for example, due to the risk of injury, it is prohibited to place a scooter from China on the market (see picture below). Therefore, importers seeking the smooth release of goods for free circulation need to be certain of the product's compliance with EU safety requirements. Mr. Arvydas Naina, Head of the Market Surveillance Planning and Risk Assessment Division, SCRPA, kindly agreed to answer questions on the topic.

Arvydas Naina

restrictions, trade barriers, import
Non-tariff measures
Dangerous product - release for free circulation in the EU not authorised

Editorial word. The website of the State Consumer Rights Protection Authority (SCRPA), Lithuania contains numerous reports of prohibited products to be placed on the market, for example, due to the risk of injury, it is prohibited to place a scooter from China on the market (see picture below). Therefore, importers seeking the smooth release of goods for free circulation need to be certain of the product's compliance with EU safety requirements. Mr. Arvydas Naina, Head of the Market Surveillance Planning and Risk Assessment Division, SCRPA, kindly agreed to answer questions on the topic.

Arvydas Naina

restrictions, trade barriers, import
Overviews and comments
Obligations of importers supplying goods to territory of Russia with regard to labelling products

The Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as the “EAEU”) is an international organization including five countries – the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, which is intended to create a “Single Economic Space” in the former Soviet countries. Within its framework, a number of legal acts were adopted, in accordance with which the EAEU member countries agreed to ensure the safety of goods . This is to be achieved by virtue of ensuring compliance of goods and manufacturing conditions with the requirements of technical regulations (hereinafter referred to as the “TRs”) implemented on the territories of the states which are parties to the organization . Such TRs apply to goods of both national and foreign origin. The confirmation of conformity of goods with the safety requirements established by TRs shall inter alia be made by means of labelling the goods with an EAC logo.

Fedor Kozlov , Svetlana Seregina

restrictions, trade barriers
Overviews and comments
Obligations of importers supplying goods to territory of Russia with regard to labelling products

The Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as the “EAEU”) is an international organization including five countries – the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, which is intended to create a “Single Economic Space” in the former Soviet countries. Within its framework, a number of legal acts were adopted, in accordance with which the EAEU member countries agreed to ensure the safety of goods . This is to be achieved by virtue of ensuring compliance of goods and manufacturing conditions with the requirements of technical regulations (hereinafter referred to as the “TRs”) implemented on the territories of the states which are parties to the organization . Such TRs apply to goods of both national and foreign origin. The confirmation of conformity of goods with the safety requirements established by TRs shall inter alia be made by means of labelling the goods with an EAC logo.

Fedor Kozlov , Svetlana Seregina

restrictions, trade barriers
Showing 1 of 1


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Non-tariff regulation in the EU
01h 18min

Anthony Buckley

restrictions, trade barriers
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Non-tariff regulation in the EU
01h 18min

Anthony Buckley

restrictions, trade barriers
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