Your trade and customs knowledge

Keeping your trade and customs knowledge up-to-date has never been easier!

Showing 4 of 9


Case law
Fraudsters in the supply chain: Who pays taxes as a result of fraudulently completed formalities?

Presumption of guilt - you'll say it doesn't work that way. Unfortunately, in tax law, the taxpayer is presumed to be guilty of breaching the tax law unless he proves otherwise. The only question is whether, even if proven not guilty, the taxpayer will not have to pay the tax. In a recent judgment, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) clarified whether the owner of an excise warehouse (whose guilt has not been proven) will have to pay the suspended taxes (in this case almost €3 million) in a case where the evidence of the completion of the formalities has been falsified and where the goods have been transported to an unknown destination. The clarifications are important not only for the owners of excise warehouses, but also for all users of suspended tax regimes - transit, customs warehousing, temporary admission for processing and others - in order to better understand, assess and manage the risks involved. The CJEU has also clarified when goods are considered "lost" and no tax is due.

Ingrida Kemežienė

duties, taxes, violations
Case law
Fraudsters in the supply chain: Who pays taxes as a result of fraudulently completed formalities?

Presumption of guilt - you'll say it doesn't work that way. Unfortunately, in tax law, the taxpayer is presumed to be guilty of breaching the tax law unless he proves otherwise. The only question is whether, even if proven not guilty, the taxpayer will not have to pay the tax. In a recent judgment, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) clarified whether the owner of an excise warehouse (whose guilt has not been proven) will have to pay the suspended taxes (in this case almost €3 million) in a case where the evidence of the completion of the formalities has been falsified and where the goods have been transported to an unknown destination. The clarifications are important not only for the owners of excise warehouses, but also for all users of suspended tax regimes - transit, customs warehousing, temporary admission for processing and others - in order to better understand, assess and manage the risks involved. The CJEU has also clarified when goods are considered "lost" and no tax is due.

Ingrida Kemežienė

duties, taxes, violations
The risk challenge of indirect tax - excise (Part III)

Editors' note: In this article, Mr Rowbotham, author of numerous books on trade and logistics topics, shares some parts of the book he is currently working on. Topics covered: Introduction to domestic duties, excise duty and the UK due diligence requirements, for both domestic and import purposes. This is the continuation of the articles "The risk challenge of indirect tax - customs (Part I)” and "The risk challenge of indirect tax - VAT (Part II)".

Mark Rowbotham

duties, taxes
The risk challenge of indirect tax - excise (Part III)

Editors' note: In this article, Mr Rowbotham, author of numerous books on trade and logistics topics, shares some parts of the book he is currently working on. Topics covered: Introduction to domestic duties, excise duty and the UK due diligence requirements, for both domestic and import purposes. This is the continuation of the articles "The risk challenge of indirect tax - customs (Part I)” and "The risk challenge of indirect tax - VAT (Part II)".

Mark Rowbotham

duties, taxes
Country update
One car for me, another one for the state - import taxes in Israel

An excellent article published in CCRM about one year ago reviewed the main import taxes in Brazil, the EU and Ukraine and the means and basis of calculation. The article demonstrated that, in some cases, the import taxes exceed the value of the goods themselves, meaning that the taxes are more than 100%. I may comment that, in my view, the State of Israel is kind of a pioneer in this field. In several sectors, Israel imposes very high import taxes, especially on passenger cars, where the taxes exceed the value of a car.

Omer Wagner

duties, taxes
Country update
One car for me, another one for the state - import taxes in Israel

An excellent article published in CCRM about one year ago reviewed the main import taxes in Brazil, the EU and Ukraine and the means and basis of calculation. The article demonstrated that, in some cases, the import taxes exceed the value of the goods themselves, meaning that the taxes are more than 100%. I may comment that, in my view, the State of Israel is kind of a pioneer in this field. In several sectors, Israel imposes very high import taxes, especially on passenger cars, where the taxes exceed the value of a car.

Omer Wagner

duties, taxes
Case law
Extinction of customs debt - does it include VAT and excise?

Knowing how provisions of one or another customs and tax legislation are applied, protects business from financial and time losses intended for the resolution of disputes in courts. In this review of the judgement of the Court of Justice of the European Union, we draw attention to the aspects related to excise duty and VAT debt for goods illegally imported into the EU from the third countries - whether it is extinguished together with the import duty debt.

Jovita Dobrovalskienė

duties, taxes, violations, import
Case law
Extinction of customs debt - does it include VAT and excise?

Knowing how provisions of one or another customs and tax legislation are applied, protects business from financial and time losses intended for the resolution of disputes in courts. In this review of the judgement of the Court of Justice of the European Union, we draw attention to the aspects related to excise duty and VAT debt for goods illegally imported into the EU from the third countries - whether it is extinguished together with the import duty debt.

Jovita Dobrovalskienė

duties, taxes, violations, import
Showing 1 of 1


Calculation of import charges in EU

Anthony Buckley

duties, taxes, import
Calculation of import charges in EU

Anthony Buckley

duties, taxes, import
Showing 2 of 2


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Customs duties, taxes and payment in the EU
01h 12min

Anthony Buckley

duties, taxes, import
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Customs duties, taxes and payment in the EU
01h 12min

Anthony Buckley

duties, taxes, import
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Excise related to import and export in the EU

Jovita Dobrovalskienė

duties, taxes
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Excise related to import and export in the EU

Jovita Dobrovalskienė

duties, taxes
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