Your trade and customs knowledge

Keeping your trade and customs knowledge up-to-date has never been easier!

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Overviews and comments
Resolving trade disputes beyond borders: the role of the WTO

In international trade, the policies of the government of the trading partner such as the country of destination for exports may affect the business of a company. If a company conducting international trade believes that another member country of the World Trade Organization (WTO) is not complying with its obligations under a WTO Agreement and is creating trade barriers then what remedy is available under international trade law? Who can help a business entity in such a situation, which is beyond the jurisdiction of the home country? Is there any effective dispute resolution mechanism available under international trade law? How does it work? What are its strengths and weaknesses? What are the timelines for dispute resolution? How does it affect business environment? In this article these important aspects are explained for a better, certain, predictable, and fair international trading environment.

Rizwan Mahmood

law international, trade policy
Overviews and comments
Resolving trade disputes beyond borders: the role of the WTO

In international trade, the policies of the government of the trading partner such as the country of destination for exports may affect the business of a company. If a company conducting international trade believes that another member country of the World Trade Organization (WTO) is not complying with its obligations under a WTO Agreement and is creating trade barriers then what remedy is available under international trade law? Who can help a business entity in such a situation, which is beyond the jurisdiction of the home country? Is there any effective dispute resolution mechanism available under international trade law? How does it work? What are its strengths and weaknesses? What are the timelines for dispute resolution? How does it affect business environment? In this article these important aspects are explained for a better, certain, predictable, and fair international trading environment.

Rizwan Mahmood

law international, trade policy
Overviews and comments
Mission possible: how the WTO Valuation Agreement strikes a balance between trade facilitation and customs regulation

Customs valuation is one of the largest challenges in international trade. That is why the rules of customs valuation are set out in an international treaty. On the one hand, this is aimed at harmonizing the valuation rules, while on the other hand, it is aimed at protecting economic operators from the arbitrariness of the authorities and, ultimately, at helping traders. Does it really work in practice, and does it serve both public and private interests in international trade? In the article, the peculiarities of customs valuation are highlighted, which are especially important to consider for those who deal with developing and least-developed countries.

Rizwan Mahmood

valuation, law international
Overviews and comments
Mission possible: how the WTO Valuation Agreement strikes a balance between trade facilitation and customs regulation

Customs valuation is one of the largest challenges in international trade. That is why the rules of customs valuation are set out in an international treaty. On the one hand, this is aimed at harmonizing the valuation rules, while on the other hand, it is aimed at protecting economic operators from the arbitrariness of the authorities and, ultimately, at helping traders. Does it really work in practice, and does it serve both public and private interests in international trade? In the article, the peculiarities of customs valuation are highlighted, which are especially important to consider for those who deal with developing and least-developed countries.

Rizwan Mahmood

valuation, law international
Non-tariff measures
What strategies may EU traders use to overcome trade barriers?

Recently, the European Commission (EC) terminated the examination procedure concerning obstacles to trade applied by Mexico (see Commission implementing decision (EU) 2022/161, 3.2.2022). This was because the dispute regarding Tequila export licenses was resolved in favour of EU exports by domestic courts in Mexico. The example reveals that exporters can cope with trade barriers in several ways: in courts, and through complaints to the EC.

Dr Ilona Mishchenko

restrictions, trade barriers, law international, trade policy
Non-tariff measures
What strategies may EU traders use to overcome trade barriers?

Recently, the European Commission (EC) terminated the examination procedure concerning obstacles to trade applied by Mexico (see Commission implementing decision (EU) 2022/161, 3.2.2022). This was because the dispute regarding Tequila export licenses was resolved in favour of EU exports by domestic courts in Mexico. The example reveals that exporters can cope with trade barriers in several ways: in courts, and through complaints to the EC.

Dr Ilona Mishchenko

restrictions, trade barriers, law international, trade policy
Non-tariff measures
What exporters should know about licensing barriers?

Due to the non-transparent import licensing requirements in many countries, such as Turkey, India, Malaysia, Brazil, and Argentina, to mention a few, exporters are denied trade opportunities, which these days are especially important for those who lost their export markets after Russia invaded Ukraine. The article introduces basic information on automatic and non-automatic licensing and provides practical examples of some non-transparent licensing regimes worldwide that must be considered when choosing new export markets.

Dr Ilona Mishchenko

restrictions, trade barriers, law international, trade policy
Non-tariff measures
What exporters should know about licensing barriers?

Due to the non-transparent import licensing requirements in many countries, such as Turkey, India, Malaysia, Brazil, and Argentina, to mention a few, exporters are denied trade opportunities, which these days are especially important for those who lost their export markets after Russia invaded Ukraine. The article introduces basic information on automatic and non-automatic licensing and provides practical examples of some non-transparent licensing regimes worldwide that must be considered when choosing new export markets.

Dr Ilona Mishchenko

restrictions, trade barriers, law international, trade policy
Showing 1 of 1


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EU customs legislation
02h 12min

Anthony Buckley

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EU customs legislation
02h 12min

Anthony Buckley

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