Your trade and customs knowledge

Keeping your trade and customs knowledge up-to-date has never been easier!

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Case law
Alcohol turned into water in a customs warehouse: who pays the customs bill?

A customs warehouse stored bottled alcohol (vodka). Customs audited the warehouse, took a sample, and found that there was water instead of vodka in the bottles! Customs ordered the warehouse to pay €308,455 customs debt (import duties and taxes, fines and interest). A dispute arose regarding who must pay the customs debt, as the customs warehouse is not obliged to take samples of the goods. Let's look at the clarification of the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (SACL) in this case.

Jurgita Bartninkienė

customs clearance, duties, taxes, violations
Case law
Alcohol turned into water in a customs warehouse: who pays the customs bill?

A customs warehouse stored bottled alcohol (vodka). Customs audited the warehouse, took a sample, and found that there was water instead of vodka in the bottles! Customs ordered the warehouse to pay €308,455 customs debt (import duties and taxes, fines and interest). A dispute arose regarding who must pay the customs debt, as the customs warehouse is not obliged to take samples of the goods. Let's look at the clarification of the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (SACL) in this case.

Jurgita Bartninkienė

customs clearance, duties, taxes, violations
Case law
Customs and temporary storage warehouses: mistakes, fines

The courts of Lithuania dealt recently with several cases of administrative liability of employees at customs and temporary storage warehouses. Various issues were identified during customs audits: storage of goods not covered by a customs authorisation, storage of goods at a place not authorised by customs, unloading of goods without customs permit. Let's look at the circumstances that led to the issues, the sanctions imposed on the responsible persons and some of the arguments presented by the parties to the court.

Enrika Naujokė

violations, import
Case law
Customs and temporary storage warehouses: mistakes, fines

The courts of Lithuania dealt recently with several cases of administrative liability of employees at customs and temporary storage warehouses. Various issues were identified during customs audits: storage of goods not covered by a customs authorisation, storage of goods at a place not authorised by customs, unloading of goods without customs permit. Let's look at the circumstances that led to the issues, the sanctions imposed on the responsible persons and some of the arguments presented by the parties to the court.

Enrika Naujokė

violations, import
Showing 1 of 1


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Importing goods into the EU
01h 39min

Anouck-Préscillia Biernaux

customs clearance, import
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Importing goods into the EU
01h 39min

Anouck-Préscillia Biernaux

customs clearance, import
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