Your trade and customs knowledge

Keeping your trade and customs knowledge up-to-date has never been easier!

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Overviews and comments
‘Any person’ concept or What we learn from the UCC about who is responsible for what?

Legal responsibility is one of the reasons why people refrain from engaging in non-compliant actions or activities. No one wants to be fined, let alone jailed, including participants of the international supply chain. So, what does customs compliance mean for those involved in international trade? What rules should be followed?

Dr. Talke Ovie

violations, law, risk management
Overviews and comments
‘Any person’ concept or What we learn from the UCC about who is responsible for what?

Legal responsibility is one of the reasons why people refrain from engaging in non-compliant actions or activities. No one wants to be fined, let alone jailed, including participants of the international supply chain. So, what does customs compliance mean for those involved in international trade? What rules should be followed?

Dr. Talke Ovie

violations, law, risk management
Overviews and comments
Who is responsible for customs compliance? or When everyone is responsible - no one is!

Reader‘s question: We are a medium-sized EU manufacturing company. We import and export goods, and customs clearance is handled by customs agents. We are going to set up our own customs warehouse, apply for the AEO status and obtain authorisations for customs simplifications. We have also faced restrictions in regard to the sanctions imposed on Russia and Belarus. The question is, who in the company should be responsible for fulfilling the customs requirements and complying with them so that customs-related processes run smoothly?

Enrika Naujokė

risk management
Overviews and comments
Who is responsible for customs compliance? or When everyone is responsible - no one is!

Reader‘s question: We are a medium-sized EU manufacturing company. We import and export goods, and customs clearance is handled by customs agents. We are going to set up our own customs warehouse, apply for the AEO status and obtain authorisations for customs simplifications. We have also faced restrictions in regard to the sanctions imposed on Russia and Belarus. The question is, who in the company should be responsible for fulfilling the customs requirements and complying with them so that customs-related processes run smoothly?

Enrika Naujokė

risk management
Case law
Customs and temporary storage warehouses: mistakes, fines

The courts of Lithuania dealt recently with several cases of administrative liability of employees at customs and temporary storage warehouses. Various issues were identified during customs audits: storage of goods not covered by a customs authorisation, storage of goods at a place not authorised by customs, unloading of goods without customs permit. Let's look at the circumstances that led to the issues, the sanctions imposed on the responsible persons and some of the arguments presented by the parties to the court.

Enrika Naujokė

violations, import
Case law
Customs and temporary storage warehouses: mistakes, fines

The courts of Lithuania dealt recently with several cases of administrative liability of employees at customs and temporary storage warehouses. Various issues were identified during customs audits: storage of goods not covered by a customs authorisation, storage of goods at a place not authorised by customs, unloading of goods without customs permit. Let's look at the circumstances that led to the issues, the sanctions imposed on the responsible persons and some of the arguments presented by the parties to the court.

Enrika Naujokė

violations, import
Showing 2 of 2


Non-compliance with customs laws: who is liable?

Anthony Buckley

violations, risk management
Non-compliance with customs laws: who is liable?

Anthony Buckley

violations, risk management
Customs risk and the business: risk by functions
03h 55min

Catherine A. C. Truel

risk management
Customs risk and the business: risk by functions
03h 55min

Catherine A. C. Truel

risk management
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