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Topic spotlight
CBAM: History, objectives, scope, and its compatibility with international law (II)

Note from the CCRM editors: The first part of the article provided an overview of the history, objectives and scope of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) introduced by the EU. It also examined the issue of whether the Paris Agreement on climate change foresees border adjustment measures by countries with high climate ambitions, and posed the following question: Is the CBAM fair towards developing countries? In this second part, the author provides an overview of the provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) which could justify the CBAM, his assessment of the CBAM Regulation, and shares a practical list of questions that companies can use in order to find out whether they are affected, and if so, how they can prepare to meet the CBAM requirements, in particular for the transitional period.

Michael Lux

restrictions, trade barriers, sustainability
Topic spotlight
CBAM: History, objectives, scope, and its compatibility with international law (II)

Note from the CCRM editors: The first part of the article provided an overview of the history, objectives and scope of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) introduced by the EU. It also examined the issue of whether the Paris Agreement on climate change foresees border adjustment measures by countries with high climate ambitions, and posed the following question: Is the CBAM fair towards developing countries? In this second part, the author provides an overview of the provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) which could justify the CBAM, his assessment of the CBAM Regulation, and shares a practical list of questions that companies can use in order to find out whether they are affected, and if so, how they can prepare to meet the CBAM requirements, in particular for the transitional period.

Michael Lux

restrictions, trade barriers, sustainability
Topic spotlight
Used car parts - export of waste or goods for reuse?

Today, we often talk about circular economy goals and the ambition to reduce waste by extending the life of products through reuse, repair, refurbishment or recycling. The legal framework is still under development. For example, there are provisions in the EU Combined Nomenclature for certain waste and scrap and for used cars, but no such provisions for used car parts - this can lead to difficulties when declaring these goods for the chosen customs procedure. Let us give an overview and discuss a current practical situation in Lithuania regarding the environmental and customs requirements for the declaration of parts of used cars for export.

Jurgita Stanienė

restrictions, trade barriers, sustainability
Topic spotlight
Used car parts - export of waste or goods for reuse?

Today, we often talk about circular economy goals and the ambition to reduce waste by extending the life of products through reuse, repair, refurbishment or recycling. The legal framework is still under development. For example, there are provisions in the EU Combined Nomenclature for certain waste and scrap and for used cars, but no such provisions for used car parts - this can lead to difficulties when declaring these goods for the chosen customs procedure. Let us give an overview and discuss a current practical situation in Lithuania regarding the environmental and customs requirements for the declaration of parts of used cars for export.

Jurgita Stanienė

restrictions, trade barriers, sustainability
Topic spotlight
CBAM: history, objectives, scope, and its compatibility with international law (I)

Note from the CCRM editors: This first part of the article provides an overview of the history, objectives and scope of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) introduced by the EU. It also examines the issue of whether the Paris Agreement on climate change foresees border adjustment measures by countries with high climate ambitions, and poses the following question: Is the CBAM fair towards developing countries? In the second part, the author will provide an overview of the provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) which could justify the CBAM, his assessment of the CBAM Regulation, and share a practical list of questions that companies can use in order to find out whether they are affected, and if so, how they can prepare to meet the CBAM requirements, in particular for the transitional period.

Michael Lux

restrictions, trade barriers, sustainability
Topic spotlight
CBAM: history, objectives, scope, and its compatibility with international law (I)

Note from the CCRM editors: This first part of the article provides an overview of the history, objectives and scope of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) introduced by the EU. It also examines the issue of whether the Paris Agreement on climate change foresees border adjustment measures by countries with high climate ambitions, and poses the following question: Is the CBAM fair towards developing countries? In the second part, the author will provide an overview of the provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) which could justify the CBAM, his assessment of the CBAM Regulation, and share a practical list of questions that companies can use in order to find out whether they are affected, and if so, how they can prepare to meet the CBAM requirements, in particular for the transitional period.

Michael Lux

restrictions, trade barriers, sustainability
Topic spotlight
CBAM transitional period: roles and responsibilities

EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) regulation entered its transitional phase on 1st October, 2023. From that day on, importers have to collect and report data on greenhouse gases emitted during the production of CBAM goods. Since the data must be collected from the manufacturers in non-EU countries, a process must be established for the corresponding communication. Given the complexity of supply chains, this process may involve multiple actors between the importer and third country facilities. In addition, several EU and national authorities are involved. Who is/can be who? Who does what? What are the responsibilities?

Enrika Naujokė

Topic spotlight
CBAM transitional period: roles and responsibilities

EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) regulation entered its transitional phase on 1st October, 2023. From that day on, importers have to collect and report data on greenhouse gases emitted during the production of CBAM goods. Since the data must be collected from the manufacturers in non-EU countries, a process must be established for the corresponding communication. Given the complexity of supply chains, this process may involve multiple actors between the importer and third country facilities. In addition, several EU and national authorities are involved. Who is/can be who? Who does what? What are the responsibilities?

Enrika Naujokė

Showing 1 of 1


"Unpacking" CBAM
01h 03min

Arne Mielken

"Unpacking" CBAM
01h 03min

Arne Mielken

Showing 1 of 1


Environmental or climate-friendly goods

It's about trade liberalisation of climate-friendly goods: What is defined as a ‘climate-friendly good’? How are these goods included in the Harmonised System (HS)?

Environmental or climate-friendly goods

It's about trade liberalisation of climate-friendly goods: What is defined as a ‘climate-friendly good’? How are these goods included in the Harmonised System (HS)?

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