Intercepting next generation threats
David Haskett
Thruvision technical consultant at Digital Barriers
Photo by Scott Webb from Pexels
The news earlier this year that a 3D-printed gun had been successfully test-fired has brought traditional threat detection measures under renewed scrutiny. There is little point bringing a metal detector to a plastic gunfight. Once again the emergence of a new threat is driving security agencies to look to new solutions. One such solution is terahertz imaging – an entirely passive technology that can detect threats or contraband concealed under a person’s clothing and at a safe standoff distance. This capability is already in use with early-adopter organizations from the military, policing and Customs communities, across the United States, Europe and Asia. The emergence of the ‘do-it-yourself’ (DIY) gun has sharpened the focus even more tightly on counter-measures that can detect body-borne contraband and weapons of all kinds.
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