Brexit - Double Tax Trap: Origin \ Status
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Norėdami tęsti, pasirinkite bent vieną atsakymą.
In some cases, Brexit led to companies having to pay customs duties twice. How can this happen? How can you avoid the second entry duty?
The answer is given by Zandra Horgan in this insightful video, which is a recording of a presentation given during the European Customs Practitioners' Conference in May 2023.
Please find the slides in the resources section.
- Publikuota: June 18, 2023
- Unlock duration: 2 mėnesiams
- Parengė: Zandra Horgan
- Video trukmė: 19min 51sec
- Kalbos: English Lietuvių
- Tipas: Web/Seminar recording
- Tema: duties, taxes
- Rinka: EU - European Union UK - United Kingdom
Prieiga prie resursų suteikiama įsigijus kursą.
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