Customs: Inside Anywhere, Insights Everywhere

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This presentation highlights the changes in customs enforcement due to the increased use of technology, in particular the innovations in this field. Whereas technology up till today still is being used as a supporting tool for customs in detection of goods and its authentication to customs declaration data, in the near future one will see so-called autodetection of data and images.

Frank Heijmann is the co-author of the book 'Customs: Inside Anywhere, Insights Everywhere', published in 2023. This book describes how Customs have searched and found ultimately a proper balance between apparently contradictory tasks: on the one hand stopping international trade at the border to collect taxes and protect society's safety and security, on the other hand minimizing logistic delays and facilitating legitimate trade as as much as possible.

The presentation gives an insight into the contents of the book. This video is a recording of a presentation given by Frank Heijmann at the European Conference for Customs Practitioners in Vilnius, Lithuania (May 2023).

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Komentarai ()

ICC Genesis: a new approach to origin certification?

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has recently, after several pilots (amongst others in the Netherlands), launched an online tool for the verification of preferential origin statements. The tool is named Genesis, after the ancient Greek word for origin, which is also the name of the first book of the Holy Bible and one of the world’s most popular progressive rock bands. So the obvious questions are: how progressive is this tool and does it rock?

Bert Van Leeuwen

origin, IT systems, databases
ICC Genesis: a new approach to origin certification?

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has recently, after several pilots (amongst others in the Netherlands), launched an online tool for the verification of preferential origin statements. The tool is named Genesis, after the ancient Greek word for origin, which is also the name of the first book of the Holy Bible and one of the world’s most popular progressive rock bands. So the obvious questions are: how progressive is this tool and does it rock?

Bert Van Leeuwen

origin, IT systems, databases
Topic spotlight
The latest AI-related regulatory developments in the EU and implications for customs

Developments in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) are the latest buzzword. However, the majority of people do not understand the technology behind it as well as its potential implications for our lives and, more specifically, the field of customs and border management. In this article, we will give a short overview of the operational principles of AI tools and will provide insights into EU regulatory attempts to tame this disruptor of multiple areas of the world as we know and understand it.

Dr Ramūnas Šablinskas

IT systems, databases
Topic spotlight
The latest AI-related regulatory developments in the EU and implications for customs

Developments in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) are the latest buzzword. However, the majority of people do not understand the technology behind it as well as its potential implications for our lives and, more specifically, the field of customs and border management. In this article, we will give a short overview of the operational principles of AI tools and will provide insights into EU regulatory attempts to tame this disruptor of multiple areas of the world as we know and understand it.

Dr Ramūnas Šablinskas

IT systems, databases
MERCOSUR launches Customs Data Model based on WCO standard and takes a leap forward in terms of data exchange

The Southern Common Market (known as MERCOSUR) is a regional integration process initially established by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, and subsequently joined by Venezuela (currently suspended) and Bolivia (whose accession procedure is still underway). MERCOSUR makes its decisions through three bodies: the Council of the Common Market (CMC), which is the main MERCOSUR body that conducts the integration process politically; the Common Market Group (GMC), which oversees the day-to-day functioning of the bloc; and the Mercosur Trade Commission (CCM), which is responsible for the administration of common commercial policy instruments.

Leonardo Pellegrino

IT systems, databases
MERCOSUR launches Customs Data Model based on WCO standard and takes a leap forward in terms of data exchange

The Southern Common Market (known as MERCOSUR) is a regional integration process initially established by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, and subsequently joined by Venezuela (currently suspended) and Bolivia (whose accession procedure is still underway). MERCOSUR makes its decisions through three bodies: the Council of the Common Market (CMC), which is the main MERCOSUR body that conducts the integration process politically; the Common Market Group (GMC), which oversees the day-to-day functioning of the bloc; and the Mercosur Trade Commission (CCM), which is responsible for the administration of common commercial policy instruments.

Leonardo Pellegrino

IT systems, databases
Automatic Customs data exchange: a look into the system used in the Western Balkans

Customs administrations in the Western Balkans have established a platform to automatically exchange Customs data. Called “SEED”, the system has proven efficient in identifying irregularities, offences and smuggling activities, as well as in accelerating the clearance of goods.

Customs Administration of Serbia

IT systems, databases
Automatic Customs data exchange: a look into the system used in the Western Balkans

Customs administrations in the Western Balkans have established a platform to automatically exchange Customs data. Called “SEED”, the system has proven efficient in identifying irregularities, offences and smuggling activities, as well as in accelerating the clearance of goods.

Customs Administration of Serbia

IT systems, databases
EU Customs Data Model (EUCDM)

The electronic customs declaration consists of data elements that should be harmonised worldwide so that customs can verify the data flow from the exporting country to the importing country. The World Customs Organisation has developed the WCO data model, which provides a universal language for cross-border data exchange. The EU has adopted this model for its own purposes and for trans-European use.

IT systems, databases
EU Customs Data Model (EUCDM)

The electronic customs declaration consists of data elements that should be harmonised worldwide so that customs can verify the data flow from the exporting country to the importing country. The World Customs Organisation has developed the WCO data model, which provides a universal language for cross-border data exchange. The EU has adopted this model for its own purposes and for trans-European use.

IT systems, databases
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