Post-clearance amendment of a customs declaration: Box 14 'Declarant/ Representative'

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The Union Customs Code sets out that after the release of goods for free circulation the customs declaration may be amended within three years.

May we amend any box of the customs declaration, for instance, change the identity of the declarant and the type of representation in the Box 14?

Let’s find out the answer by overviewing a practical situation! The situation is based on the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union in case C-97/19 (please find the case in the resources part).

Prieiga prie resursų suteikiama įsigijus kursą.

Komentarai ()

The long and winding road: pursuing a bad trade decision by a customs officer in the United States

In the US, the law allows an importer to contest adverse decisions on their customs entries for a number of reasons including differences in appraised value, classification and rate of duty, exclusion from entry and refusal to pay a drawback claim. Anyone who either advises importers or directly pursues what they believe have been incorrect trade decisions made by U.S. Customs and Protection (CBP) knows that the processes can not only be frustrating but also prohibitively expensive.

Ira Reese

customs brokers, law
The long and winding road: pursuing a bad trade decision by a customs officer in the United States

In the US, the law allows an importer to contest adverse decisions on their customs entries for a number of reasons including differences in appraised value, classification and rate of duty, exclusion from entry and refusal to pay a drawback claim. Anyone who either advises importers or directly pursues what they believe have been incorrect trade decisions made by U.S. Customs and Protection (CBP) knows that the processes can not only be frustrating but also prohibitively expensive.

Ira Reese

customs brokers, law
Topic spotlight
How to build relationship with a customs broker: Step-by-step instructions from a customs official

Finding the right customs broker can be a huge problem for traders. One may seem to be "your" person, but they may misunderstand you or not listen to you. Another may not have the proper level of knowledge and so on. This article is designed to help you with this search and selection process. You will find answers to the most important questions to ask when looking for a helpful broker.

Rizwan Mahmood

customs brokers
Topic spotlight
How to build relationship with a customs broker: Step-by-step instructions from a customs official

Finding the right customs broker can be a huge problem for traders. One may seem to be "your" person, but they may misunderstand you or not listen to you. Another may not have the proper level of knowledge and so on. This article is designed to help you with this search and selection process. You will find answers to the most important questions to ask when looking for a helpful broker.

Rizwan Mahmood

customs brokers
Country update
The future of customs intermediaries in the UK - overview

Recognising the critical role that customs intermediaries play in enabling international trade for UK businesses, the government issued a consultation that sought feedback on the concept of introducing a voluntary standard. The final phase of the consultation process concluded in August 2023. A significant consensus emerged among stakeholders on the idea of introducing a voluntary standard for customs intermediaries.

Ilona Kawka

customs brokers
Country update
The future of customs intermediaries in the UK - overview

Recognising the critical role that customs intermediaries play in enabling international trade for UK businesses, the government issued a consultation that sought feedback on the concept of introducing a voluntary standard. The final phase of the consultation process concluded in August 2023. A significant consensus emerged among stakeholders on the idea of introducing a voluntary standard for customs intermediaries.

Ilona Kawka

customs brokers
Customs brokers in Europe: Shaping and establishing a future-proof role

Case law tells us how importing and exporting SMEs, which do not have in-house customs expertise, understand their role and responsibilities, as well as those of a customs broker. Often, when a dispute arises with customs over penalties imposed on an importer or exporter for an offence, the company claims that it was confident that it had properly fulfilled its obligations by entrusting customs clearance to a professional service provider - the customs broker. The company therefore learns the hard way about its customs-related responsibilities and obligations. What role does the customs broker play in preventing such situations? In this article, we argue that customs brokers need to take on the role of proactive educator and suggest a way to do this.

Enrika Naujokė

customs brokers
Customs brokers in Europe: Shaping and establishing a future-proof role

Case law tells us how importing and exporting SMEs, which do not have in-house customs expertise, understand their role and responsibilities, as well as those of a customs broker. Often, when a dispute arises with customs over penalties imposed on an importer or exporter for an offence, the company claims that it was confident that it had properly fulfilled its obligations by entrusting customs clearance to a professional service provider - the customs broker. The company therefore learns the hard way about its customs-related responsibilities and obligations. What role does the customs broker play in preventing such situations? In this article, we argue that customs brokers need to take on the role of proactive educator and suggest a way to do this.

Enrika Naujokė

customs brokers
Customs brokers and their management: current challenges and the future

Customs brokers are an important part of the customs ecosystem. Both parties - traders and customs - can benefit greatly from working with these professional intermediaries. Customs brokers take on the complex tasks related to customs clearance, protect and serve the interests of the parties involved while balancing their different needs (e.g. fast delivery vs. thorough control) and save them a lot of time so they can focus on their core activities. This topic is not new, and one might think that these areas of operation should already be established and standardised. However, discussions at the 19th Authors' Meeting showed that there are still more questions than answers in the countries of Europe and America.

customs brokers
Customs brokers and their management: current challenges and the future

Customs brokers are an important part of the customs ecosystem. Both parties - traders and customs - can benefit greatly from working with these professional intermediaries. Customs brokers take on the complex tasks related to customs clearance, protect and serve the interests of the parties involved while balancing their different needs (e.g. fast delivery vs. thorough control) and save them a lot of time so they can focus on their core activities. This topic is not new, and one might think that these areas of operation should already be established and standardised. However, discussions at the 19th Authors' Meeting showed that there are still more questions than answers in the countries of Europe and America.

customs brokers
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