Tariff classification puzzle: the bulb
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{{ title }}
{{ current_question.title }}
{{ successMessage }}
{{ failMessage }}
{{ successMessage }}
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{{ failMessageRetry }}
{{ question.title }}
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This story reveals how easy it is to get into a pitfall while classifying goods for customs purposes and how costly the mistakes can be. Based on real life situation! Judgement of the European Court of Justice in case C-600/15.
- Дата публикации: July 30, 2021
- Unlock duration: 2 месяца
- Автор(ы): CustomsClear ㅤ
- Продолжительность: 01min 59sec
- Языки: English Lietuvių Русский
- Уровни: Advanced
- Типы: Animated video
- Тема: classification
- Рынок: EU - European Union
Ресурсы доступны после покупки.
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